Member News: October 2021

REN21 shares news from its members

REN21 Members are industry associations, governments, inter-governmental organisations, NGOs, and academic and scientific institutions. Members who wish to add their content to this kind of post should contact

To learn about all of the COP26-related events of both REN21 and its members, visit the COP26 blog post!

The Role of National Banks in Financing the Renewable Energy Sector

During this ALER Talks event on 14 October, speakers highlighted the importance of ensuring a favourable regulatory environment, training for both banks and credit recipients, and the provision of market information. View the event resources and watch the video replay.

Member: ALER – Associação Lusófona de Energias Renováveis

Conference for Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems

ISEC 2022, the International Sustainable Energy Conference will take place in April 2022 in Graz, Austria. AEE INTEC is expecting several hundred participants from all over the world including experts from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and IRENA, as well as globally recognized key-note speakers who will highlight pathways to a CO2-free energy future. Please find further information on the conference website. The call for abstracts has been extended to 7 November 2021. View the various topics and submit your abstract here.

Member: AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC)

New Report: APEC Energy Overview 2021

The APEC Energy Overview is an annual publication that highlights the current energy situation in each of the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. The Overview provides a detailed summary of energy supply and consumption statistics from 2000 to 2018, as well as an up-to-date discussion of energy policies and notable energy developments to 2021 for each APEC member economy. The region has continued to make progress in its goal of doubling the share of modern renewables in the energy mix by 2030 (relative to 2010). The modern renewable share of final consumption has increased from 6.0% in 2010 to 8.7% in 2018.

Member: Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)

Energy Compact to Unlock the SDGs and Net Zero with Clean Cooking

Joining a global effort led by the United Nations to accelerate action on the Sustainable Development Goals, the Clean Cooking Alliance has launched a multi-stakeholder Clean Cooking Energy Compact. Titled “Unlock the SDGs and Net-Zero with Clean Cooking,” the Energy Compact promotes a just energy transition while aiming to accelerate universal access to clean cooking by 2030. At the time of its launch, 40 stakeholders had endorsed the Energy Compact. The Clean Cooking Alliance invites countries, cities, companies and organizations to endorse the Energy Compact, and encourages partners to develop specific commitments and actions to achieve the targets set out in the document.

Member: Clean Cooking Alliance

NGOs Call for a Fully Renewable Energy System by 2040 in Europe

Together for 100% Renewable Europe: Prosperous. Sustainable. For everyone” is the new campaign of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe together with its members across Europe aiming for a fair and sustainable transition to a 100% renewable energy system by 2040 in Europe. The campaign specifically aims to contribute to accelerating the solar and wind deployment at the pace and scale required by the climate crisis, and brings forces together to work for a faster but also inclusive and people participatory rollout of solar and wind energy which at the same time supports protection and restoration of biodiversity. Read the call to action published ahead of COP26.

Member: Climate Action Network

New Study: Implications of a Net Zero Target for India’s Sectoral Energy Transitions and Climate Policy

Evaluating the ‘Implications of a Net-Zero Target for India’s Sectoral Energy Transitions‘, an independent CEEW study finds that if India were to commit to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2070; its total installed solar power capacity would need to increase to 5630 gigawatt (GW) from the current 40 GW installed; the use of coal, especially for power generation, would need to peak by 2040 and drop by 99% between 2040 and 2060, and the use crude oil across sectors would need to peak by 2050 and fall by 90% between 2050 and 2070.

Member: Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating and Cooling

The EU recently adopted key proposals to address heat decarbonisation. This legislative package will guide the direction of heating and cooling policies for decades to come. A systemic shift is required to rethink the heat sector, placing cities at the centre, using the right mix of solutions including renewables, circularity (e.g. waste heat) and infrastructure (such as district heating and cooling networks). Celsius Cities, #DHCities, Energy Cities and FEDARENE have come together to endorse the Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating and Cooling. 26 cities across Europe have already joined! Get in touch at to learn more.

Member: Euroheat & Power

Fit for 55: Europe’s Actions Still Lack Ambition 

EREF’s recent press release discusses the EU Green Deal, a project to decarbonise Europe and to put it on a sustainable path, and the legislative climate reform project “Fit for 55”. In their statement, EREF writes, “The draft legislative package issued by the European Commission in July 2021 still lacks ambition and binding targets for 2030 for renewables and for all EU Member States.” Read the complete press release.

Member: EREF – European Renewable Energies Federation

Global Wind Energy Manifesto for COP26

Earlier this year, GWEC launched a global COP26 campaign which included a letter from a coalition of wind CEOs to G20 heads of state, as well as a first-of-its-kind COP26 Manifesto. If you would like to read the Global Wind Energy Manifesto for COP26, endorsed by nearly 100 companies and associations around the world, you can find it in 15 different languages here. The Manifesto makes clear the dramatic gap of wind capacity we will face by 2050 if wind growth rates continue under a business-as-usual scenario; at this current pace of installations, only 43% of the wind energy needed for vital emissions mitigation will be operational by 2050, and we will miss our 1.5-degree pathway.

Member: GWEC – Global Wind Energy Council

Calls for National Governments to Partner with Local Governments

According to a recent press release, “The delegation of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI) leaders at the UNFCCC’s 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) underscores the importance of the US government partnering with local governments to meet national climate targets.  ICLEI USA and its delegation bring evidence of moving beyond commitments to concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the local level.” Read the whole release here.

Member: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA

International Leaders Back a New Blueprint for Sustainable Hydropower

A landmark declaration was issued by the hydropower sector at the conclusion of the 2021 World Hydropower Congress, with the support of governments and former prime ministers, NGOs and international agencies. The San José Declaration on Sustainable Hydropower urges greater green investment in responsible hydropower development and places enhanced ESG performance expectations on the sector. Read the more about the Declaration here.

Member: International Hydropower Association (IHA)

Solar Cookers International Wins Award for Climate Impact & Work in India Highlighted by CNN

Solar Cookers International has been named a winner of the Keeling Curve Prize. The prize recognizes “the most impactful climate projects around the world.” SCI is one of ten winners selected from approximately 400 applicants from around the world. The award was given by United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and Ghanaian Grammy-nominee Rocky Dawuni. SCI was also recently highlighted in a special CNN article about the positive impacts of solar cooking and its effects on combatting climate change. In the article, Janak McGilligan, SCI Global Advisor discusses her work in India and the outcomes she has seen in rural communities that now solar cook.

Member: Solar Cookers International

New Policy Brief: Regulating the Hydrogen Hype

Only renewable (green) hydrogen does not further accelerate the climate crisis and ensures countries won’t be locked in a fossil fuel pathway for decades. By increasing renewable energy capacities, countries could leapfrog into the renewable energy age, enhance climate action, strengthen local value creation and increase job opportunities for local communities. In addition, local production and use of renewable hydrogen could fast-track access to energy services, further contributing to economic development, as compared to exporting renewable hydrogen which would reduce locally available energy resources. This policy brief analyses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to renewable hydrogen production in the Global South.

Member: World Future Council

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