The Renewables 2022 Global Status Report in 150 words

Building on an extensive crowd sourcing and peer-reviewing process involving over 650 reviewers for this edition, the Renewables 2022 Global Status Report makes an alarming observation: despite the record growth in renewables, the energy transition is not happening, and this is not because of the current Russian war in Ukraine. 


Yes, there has been record additions to renewable power capacity. 

But the share of renewables in our global energy consumption is stagnating! 

The reality is that most progress in renewables happens in the power sector. 

But power is not energy! The largest energy consumers rely extensively on non-renewable energy.

Despite the unprecedented commitments to Net Zero made last year, governments still resort to old recipes to keep the energy bill under control.

As a result, the largest energy-consuming countries in the world, have the smallest shares of renewable energy.

Read more in the Renewables 2022 Global Status Report.

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