Save the date: GSR2023 Economic and Social Value Creation & Global Overview Launch event

#GSR2023 – Economic and Social Value Creation & Global Overview Launch virtual event

Wednesday 19 July 2023
11:30 CEST 
| Register here 

The Renewables for Economic and Social Value Creation (ESVC) and Global Overview (GO) modules from the Renewables 2023 Global Status Report will be published on 19 July.

Save the date to join our virtual event, where we will present the key findings from both reports and discuss comments and questions from participants.

  • The Renewables for Economic and Social Value Creation Module reflects on the wide benefits that renewable energy can bring in terms of job creation, emissions reduction, advancing gender equality, improving energy security, and providing energy access.
  • The Global Overview will synthesise all of the modules and discuss the status of renewable energy in the context of global challenges such as climate change, the sustainable development goals, and geopolitics.

These modules complement the GSR 2023 series, which began with the Renewables in Energy Demand Modules and continued with the Renewables in Energy Supply Module, which covers how heat, fuel, and electricity are distributed across geographies and technologies. Read the past modules here. 

Remember to register today and join our discussion on 19 July!

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