About REN21 Events

REN21 Secretariat


REN21 organises events that allow you to exchange and connect with thought leaders and experts from around the world. REN21 also attends numerous events throughout the year – working to raise awareness about renewables and accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future.

Visit REN21’s Let’s Meet Up events’ calendar to learn about events we’re hosting and where we’ll be speaking next.

REN21 Events: The Highlights

International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC)

At this international high-level policy event, REN21 invites leaders from government, the private sector and civil society to meet and discuss policies and experiences. The focus is on building collective know-how to advance renewables at the international, national and sub-national levels. The IREC is hosted by a national government and is held biennially. The next conference will take place in April 2024 in Adelaide, Australia.

REN21 Academy

Held on alternate years with the IREC, the Academy is developed by, and for, the REN21 community. Community members meet and discuss how to spur the renewable energy transition. Perspectives are shared, issues are debated, and tough questions are asked.

The ultimate networking and sharing event, the REN21 Academy reflects the collaborative ethos that underpins everything REN21 does and is emblematic of the vast REN21 network developed over the past 15 years. The most recent Academy was held in Berlin, November 2018, and was attended by more than 160 members, representing 80 different countries.

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