REN21 Secretariat

About IRECs

What is IREC?

At this international high-level policy event, REN21 invites leaders from across society to meet and discuss policies and experiences. The focus is on building collective know-how to advance renewables at the international, national and sub-national levels.

Inspired by the 2004 renewables conference in Bonn, each IREC involves representatives from business, governments, civil society, science and academia all whom participate in discussions and debates – with the objective of advancing the global energy transition to renewables. The IREC is hosted by a national government and is held biennially.

 Why is this a major event for REN21?

 At IREC, the focus is on building on the knowledge of successes and failures, seeing what opportunities innovation and cooperation can bring and how developments in one country can feed into the development of renewables regionally. Over the course of the conference, issues relevant to the host country and region are discussed, from the international, national and local perspectives – engaging different speakers and participants on a variety of topics.

 When and where does it take place?

This large-scale, biennial event is an opportunity to support a national government in the development of its renewable energy development objectives. It is hosted by a national government with the support of REN21.

How to apply?

An application to host an IREC must come from a national government or a legal entity that represents the national government. You can find more information about the general structure and expectations for hosting an IREC in this handbook. Here is the Call for Proposal for submitting a proposal to host an IREC.

An IREC provides the host country with the opportunity to convene an international community of players around increasing renewable energy uptake.  The multi-stakeholder environment allows for a wide-ranging exchange of experiences and opportunities to learn from each other.  Participants leave with new perspectives and new approaches to consider in their efforts to drive the shift to renewables – now.

Past IRECs:

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