Review the Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report

Peer Review for the full first edition of the Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report (REC-GSR) is available and needs your expert input.

Why a report on cities? Cities have the potential to transform global energy consumption at scale through transitions to renewable energy sources: cities’ residents and businesses consume two thirds of the world’s energy, and account for 75% of global carbon dioxide emissions. Cities are important drivers of the global economy, and many cities already have demonstrated a commitment to accelerating the global energy transformation.

The contribution of cities to the global renewable energy transition, however, have been under-publicised. The REC-GSR will change this: it is the first comprehensive resource that covers current trends and development of renewable energy in cities.

And we want you to contribute. Your comments and guidance will help us fill data gaps and strengthen the final report. Peer review starts today (13 September) and will last for two weeks, until 27 September.

Here is the list of sections for review – you can review one, two or all of them!
– Cities in the Renewable Energy Transition
– Drivers for Renewable Energy in Cities
– Targets and Policies
– Urban Renewable Energy Markets
– Mobilising Finance and Business Models driving Renewables in Cities
– Citizen Participation

You can access the report draft on REN21+ at Instructions to help you login and access the report can be found here. Feel free to focus on the sections most closely aligned with your specific knowledge and expertise. All contributors and reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report.

Please e-mail us if you have any questions or have difficulty accessing the report at You can also email us to learn how to get more involved.

The Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report builds on REN21’s flagship publication series, the Renewables Global Status Report. More than 200 experts from around the world have contributed data to the REC-GSR so far. Further information about REC-GSR as well as the Preliminary Findings that were launched in May 2019 can be found here.

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