What are you doing to bring renewables to the table at COP27?

What are you doing to bring renewables to the table at COP27?


Any discussion on climate change needs to consider energy. Similarly, any discussion on economic development must tackle the question of energy. Faced with the twofold challenge of a critical energy poverty and a growing burden of climate disorders, Africa urgently needs to identify energy solutions simultaneously addressing climate change and socio-economic development. With COP27 less than two months down the road, REN21 has accelerated its work with the African energy stakeholders to make sure that their voice is heard and considered in the upcoming climate negotiations. 

Building on and leveraging its network of Members and Community, REN21 works to mobilize and amplify the African voices of renewables with the objective of creating a plan of action through facilitated dialogue, capacity building, the use of strategic intelligence, and support to renewable energy leadership across the African continent. 

Pivotal in this process, the increasingly popular RENdez-vous Africa take place monthly since 2021. They provide a platform for conversation, debate, and ideas about how to drive the uptake of renewables in Africa. 

Join us! 

What is RENdez-vous Africa?

REN21 hosts these events to inspire and to offer opportunities to learn and share across sectors. While each event is unique, one thing remains consistent: at every RENdez-vous there is time to meet and network with people from the greater renewables community, inclusive of many different sectors. Learn more and join the next event…

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