GSR 2023 Launch: 30 March

Join us on 30 March for the GSR 2023 Collection Launch – Energy Demand Modules

Please make sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming launch of our renewables Global Status Report (GSR) 2023 Collection – Demand Modules.

For the first time, the GSR will be released as a collection of modules, with the first one focusing on Renewable Energy Demand. The Demand Modules will cover the uptake of renewables across the Buildings, Industry, Transport, and Agriculture sectors.

Join us on March 30 for the GSR 2023 launch event to discuss key findings and global figures on Renewable Energy Demand. Register here.


In 2023, the Renewables Global Status Report gets a new structure!

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As the world’s only crowd-sourced report on renewable energy, REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) is in a class of its own. It covers policies, markets, and much more, while telling the most up-to-date global story on renewable energy.  

Since 2005, the GSR team has worked with the report’s many contributors to put the spotlight on ongoing developments and emerging trends that shape the future of renewables. Producing this report each year is a truly collaborative effort of hundreds of experts and volunteers contributing data, reviewing chapters and co-authoring the report. 

The 2023 Renewables Global Status Report is evolving with a brand-new design and structure, in line with changes in the global media landscape and in the energy sphere. Recent shifts in the sector have included new governance, new outlooks for energy security and costs, and a revival of fossil fuels. Because energy is not just about electricity supply, we believe now is the right time to dive deeper into the demand side of the equation, including energy use in agriculture, business, transport and industry.  

This broader mandate will allow us to publish the Renewables Global Status Report as a collection, with different focuses throughout the year. It will also be an opportunity for the REN21 community to get deeply involved in the production of the different knowledge products.

Watch a summary of the GSR2023 kick-off meeting

What will the new structure look like?

The Renewables Global Status Report is shifting to become the Renewables Global Status Report collection. Its essence as a summary report remains the same, but now the GSR collection will be divided into a sequence of modules published throughout the year, comprising 

   1. Global Overview  

   2. Renewables in Energy Demand: Agriculture  

   3. Renewables in Energy Demand: Buildings  

   4. Renewables in Energy Demand: Industry  

   5. Renewables in Energy Demand: Transport  

   6. Renewables in Energy Supply 

      • Bioenergy  
      • Hydrogen 
      • Geothermal  
      • Heat Pumps  
      • Hydropower 
      • Ocean Power 
      • Concentrating Solar Thermal Power  
      • Solar PV  
      • Solar Thermal  
      • Wind Power  

   7. Energy Systems and Infrastructure for Renewables  

      • Energy Efficiency 
      • Grid Transmission and Distribution 
      • Flexibility 
      • Energy Storage 
      • Demand-Side Management 

   8. Renewables for Economic and Social Value Creation

   9. Special Feature: Policies in Focus

  10. Special Feature: Cities in Focus   

How will we keep the old but embrace the new?

The GSR’s new Global Overview module will describe and link the different modules of the collection to bring forward the overall vision of the global status of renewable energy deployment and trends. 

Each module within the collection will cover the three key areas of renewable energy policy and targets, finance and investment, and market developments, in addition to providing an overview and case studies. The content of the GSR 2023 will be based primarily on data from 2022 (or, if unavailable, the latest available data). Each module will have an executive summary and, if relevant, supplementary sidebars, figures, tables and notes. 

GSR 2023 modules’ structure:

  • Overview (Introduction and Framing) 
  • Policy and Targets 
  • Finance and Investment  
  • Market Developments  
  • Case Studies  

As we have done in the past, there will be a separate document that contains a summary for policy makers on highlights of the GSR collection, and the modules will rely on extensive referencing.

When will the GSR 2023 modules be released?

  • Q4 2022 – Stay tuned to peer review the outlines of the Renewables in Energy Demand modules. 
  • Q4 2022 – Stay tuned to peer review the outlines of the Renewables in Energy Supply module and the Energy Systems Infrastructure for Renewables module. 
  • Q3 2023 – Stay tuned for our major launch where we publish the full GSR 2023 consolidated report along with our Global Overview. 

How can you contribute?

Fill out the Expression of Interest form and tell us how you would like to contribute, or directly contribute to the Data Collection process by sharing your knowledge with us.  

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