
A Hidden Hydrogen Champion is Awakening

A notable player in the emerging global hydrogen trade is Chile, which is focusing on public-private partnerships as a key mechanism to accelerate the country's energy transition. Chile has signed several international agreements with foreign countries to strengthen its hydrogen industry. In 2021, Chile signed a joint agreement with Germany with the aim of enhancing co-operation in green hydrogen project development. The two countries will exchange experience and knowledge through the creation of a working group, and will also establish a regulatory framework. A further aim is to develop low-carbon certification systems.

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A Hidden Hydrogen Champion Is Awakening

A notable player in the emerging global hydrogen trade is Chile, which is focusing on public-private partnerships as a key mechanism to accelerate the country's energy transition. Chile has signed several international agreements with foreign countries to strengthen its hydrogen industry. In 2021, Chile signed a joint agreement with Germany with the aim of enhancing co-operation in green hydrogen project development. The two countries will exchange experience and knowledge through the creation of a working group, and will also establish a regulatory framework. A further aim is to develop low-carbon certification systems.

A joint agreement between Chile and the Netherlands aims to establish green hydrogen import-export corridors. It also seeks to align the investment agenda and to improve the collaboration of private companies. In addition, Chile signed a memorandum of understanding with Belgium to enhance green hydrogen production in co-operation with the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge, which aim to become the main hubs for hydrogen imports to Europe. In Asia, Chile signed a memorandum of understanding with the Republic of Korea to expand co-operation in the low-carbon hydrogen sector and to exchange technologies for producing, storing, transporting and using clean hydrogen.

Source: See endnote 47 for this section.

  1. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), “Global Hydrogen Trade to Meet 1.5°Climate Goal”, 2022, 1
  2. International Energy Agency (IEA), “Global Hydrogen Review 2022”, 2022,
  3. A. de Pee, “The clean hydrogen opportunity for hydrocarbon-rich countries”, McKinsey & Company, November 23, 2023,; A. Holland, “Can Green Hydrogen Be Cost Competitive?” IDTechEx, March 17, 2023,; P. Day, “Hydrogen as a backup for renewables remains a distant proposition”, Reuters, February 1, 2023, 3
  4. R. Davey, “Green Hydrogen's Role in Electrifying the Heavy Industry”, AZO CLEANTECH, April 11, 2023,; T. Casey, “Tiny Mass. Startup Cooks Up Big, Green Hydrogen Plan”, CleanTechnica, June 27, 2022,; J. Walsh and M. DiFelice, “How Much of This Hype for Hydrogen ‘Energy' Is Just Smoke and Mirrors?” Food & Water Watch, December 13, 2022,
  5. IEA, op. cit. note 2.5
  6. Ibid.6
  7. IEA, “Electrolysers”, 2022,
  8. IEA, op. cit. note 2. 8
  9. A. Habibic, “GlobalData: Hydrogen market to witness growth surge in 2023”, Offshore Energy, February 13, 2023,
  10. Ibid.10
  11. Government of Australia, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, “State of Hydrogen 2022”, 2022,
  12. Mckinsey & Company, “Hydrogen Insights 2022: An updated perspective on hydrogen market development and actions required to unlock hydrogen at scale”, September 2022,
  13. L. Wan, “Energy from green hydrogen will be expensive, even in 2050”, CRU, February 24, 2023,; IEA, “Global average levelised cost of hydrogen production by energy source and technology, 2019 and 2050”, October 26, 2022, 13
  14. Figure 21 from REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2023 Data Pack, available at
  15. METI, “Japan's Roadmap to ‘Beyond-Zero' Carbon”, 2017,; D. Akimoto, “Japan Looks to Promote a Hydrogen Society”, The Diplomat, January 4, 2023,
  16. Renewable Energy Institute, “Re-examining Japan's Hydrogen Strategy”, September 22, 2022,
  17. N. Coca, “A half-decade after its first plan, Japan's hydrogen goals remain distant”, Energy Monitor, March 29, 2023,; D. Orf, “Japan Tried to Build a Hydrogen Society. It Backfired Spectacularly”, Popular Mechanics, January 26, 2023,; A. Cohen, “The Biden Administration Should Learn Japan's Painful Lessons on Hydrogen”, Forbes, February 13, 2023, 17
  18. J. Nakano, “China's Hydrogen Industrial Strategy”, Center for Strategic and International Studies, February 3, 2022,
  19. National Development and Reform Commission, “China Hydrogen National Strategy”, March 23, 2022,; Y. Yu, “China's National Hydrogen Development Plan”, Energy Iceberg, April 6, 2022,
  20. A. Lee, “Modi pledges massive green hydrogen ‘quantum leap' to Indian energy independence”, Recharge, August 16, 2021, 20
  21. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of India, “Budget 2021-22 augments capital of SECI and IREDA to promote development of RE sector”, February 9, 2021,
  22. European Commission, “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe”, July 8, 2020,
  23. Ibid.23
  24. DW, “Germany to join Mediterranean hydrogen pipeline project”, January 22, 2023,; I. Shumkov, “EU to deepen clean hydrogen cooperation with Japan”, Renewables Now, December 2, 2022,
  25. I. Shine, “Which countries are leading the way with hydrogen?” World Economic Forum, May 16, 2023,
  26. BMWK, “National Hydrogen Strategy”, June 2020,
  27. Bundesregierung, “Relief for electricity consumers”, April 27, 2022,; BMBF, “National Hydrogen Strategy: Green hydrogen as energy source of the future”, May 6, 2022,
  28. The Maritime Executive, “Germany Signs Landmark Deal to Buy Denmark's Green Hydrogen”, March 26, 2023, 28
  29. Government of France, “National strategy for the development of decarbonised and renewable hydrogen in France”, 2020, 29
  30. K. Abnett, “France leads push for EU to boost nuclear-produced hydrogen”, Reuters, February 3, 2023,; A. Nussbaum ‘France's Hydrogen Pipeline With Spain Is at Risk Over Green Rules”, Bloomberg, February 14, 2023, 30
  31. Consejo de Ministros, “El Gobierno aprueba la ‘Hoja de Ruta del Hidrógeno: una apuesta por el hidrógeno renovable'”, October 6, 2020,
  32. Ibid.32
  33. BP, “BP launches plans for low-carbon green hydrogen cluster in Spain's Valencia region”, February 28, 2023,; M. Wetselaar, “7 reasons why Spain and Portugal are about to become a green hydrogen powerhouse”, World Economic Forum, January 11, 2023,
  34. US Department of Energy, “Clean Hydrogen Strategy Roadmap”, September 2022,; L. Collins, “US unveils draft national clean hydrogen strategy and roadmap – with three key priorities”, Recharge, September 23, 2022,; Warner, “U.S. Department of Energy Announces History $7 Billion Funding Opportunity to Jump-Start America's Clean Hydrogen Economy”, September 26, 2022, 34
  35. Katy Jane, “Hydrogen production to increase in 2023 as global interest continues.”, Dolphin N2, January 4, 2023,
  36. J. Wood, “Which countries could become the world's hydrogen superpowers?” World Economic Forum, February 14, 2022,
  37. Australian Government, op. cit. note 11.37
  38. Ibid.38
  39. Brazilian Government, “Brazil publishes National Hydrogen Program”, August 29, 2022, 39
  40. Ibid.40
  41. P. Sánchez Molina, “Brazil sets up secretariat to develop green hydrogen”, pv magazine, August 9, 2022,; A. Čučuk, “Unigel and ThyssenKrupp to increase capacity of Brazil hydrogen plant”, OffShore Energy, March 13, 2023, 41
  42. Ministry of Energy, Government of Chile, “National Green Hydrogen Strategy”, November 2020,
  43. HIF Global,, accessed May 2023. 43
  44. Unigel, “Unigel installs the first industrial-scale green hydrogen production site in Brazil using thyssenkrupp nucera technology”, PR News Wire, July 26, 2022, 44
  45. H. Regensburg, “Haru Oni e-fuels demo plant in Chile officially opens”, Green Car Congress, December 21, 2022, 45
  46. F. La Camera, “The Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation: The Hydrogen Factor”, IRENA, January 15, 2021,
  47. S. Matalucci, “Hydrogen is changing power dynamics in energy sector”, DW, December 28, 2022,; G. Cantini, “Hydrogen in the MENA region: Priorities and steps forward”, EnergySource, February 14, 2023, Snapshot: Chile based on the following sources: V. Eckert, “Germany and Chile sign accord to boost hydrogen cooperation”, Reuters, June 29, 2021,; Government of the Netherlands, “Joint statement of Chile and The Netherlands on collaboration in the field of green hydrogen import and export”, July 1, 2021,; S. Pekic, “Belgian ports and Chile to collaborate on green hydrogen”, Offshore Energy, November 5, 2021,