Global Trends


Despite a notable decline in the prices of fossil fuels and other energy commodities in the first half of 2023, wholesale electricity prices remained high in many countries, negatively affecting energy-consuming sectors. 1

Inflation and high interest rates continued to hamper investment, particularly in emerging markets that face debt burdens and a higher cost of capital. 2 Meanwhile, massive subsidies to fossil fuels remain prevalent and have distorted the market, placing renewables at a disadvantage. 3

Renewables nonetheless continued to prove attractive as an affordable and secure energy source in 2023, with investments rising to a record USD 623 billion and corporate power purchase agreements reaching a record 46 gigawatts (GW). 4 (See Sidebar 1.)

The post-crisis recovery packages of 2022 sparked a surge in renewable energy deployment; however, progress has since stalled, and more ambitious structural and integrated reforms are needed to maintain the momentum. 5 In 2023, there were indications that policy measures supporting the uptake of renewables may be revoked or weakened in the face of multi-faceted economic and political pressures. 6

Disparities in renewable deployment across the sectors highlights the need for integrated policies

By demand sector, the share of renewables in total final energy consumption (TFEC) ranged from as high as 16.8% in industry to as low as 3.9% in transport in 2021 (latest data available). 7 (See Figure 2.) These disparities reflect not only the differing characteristics of sectors, but also a lack of integrated policies aimed at increasing the renewable energy share both within and across sectors. Further action is needed to speed the electrification of end-use sectors (See Sidebar 2.) and to transition to renewable heat and fuels. 8

FIGURE 2.Renewable Share of Total Final Energy Consumption, by Sector, 2021


Policy Trends

As of 2023, only 13 countries had in place renewable energy policies for all four demand sectors (power, buildings, industry and transport). 9 A further 20 countries had policies for three demand sectors, and 84 countries had no demand-sector policies in place. 10 (See Figure 5.) Of the 69 countries that set renewable energy targets for end-use sectors between 2010 and 2020, only 17 had renewed or set new targets beyond 2024. 11

Countries announced around 21 new renewable energy regulatory policies in demand sectors in 2023, bringing the total number to 111. 12 Transport has seen regulatory action in 64 countries, followed by buildings (30), industry (12) and agriculture (5). 13 (See Figure 6.) Various fiscal and financial incentives – including grants, rebates, and tax reductions or exemptions – have been implemented to boost the adoption of renewables across different sectors. 14

In 2023, progress on renewable energy use in buildings continued to be driven by net metering, incentives for rooftop solar, and targets for energy use and retrofitting. 15 Building energy codes have become increasingly widespread globally. As of 2023, the number of building codes worldwide totalled 81 for residential structures and 77 for non-residential structures, with 80% of the codes being mandatory. 16

In industry, nine countries introduced or updated fiscal and financial policies supporting the uptake of renewables during 2023, and three countries introduced regulatory incentives or mandates. 17 Countries also continued to craft broader national renewable energy strategies relevant to industry, such as the United Kingdom's plan for net zero emissions and the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. 18 Most new policies in industry target renewable hydrogen, particularly in heavy industry. 19

At least 49 countries had specific renewable energy targets for transport as of 2023. 20 Ten countries introduced or revised biofuel blending mandates (with some reducing their mandates). 21 At least 18 countries announced new electric vehicle policies, with a range of financial incentives such as subsidies, grants and tax benefits aiming to encourage adoption of the vehicles and related infrastructure. 22 Renewable hydrogen policies and green shipping corridors continued to emerge, whereas efforts to integrate renewables into aviation, rail, and shipping advanced only slowly, with a few new mandates for sustainable aviation fuel, sustainable marine fuels and hydrogen-powered rail development. 23

Policies related to energy use in agriculture often lack coherence and can send mixed signals: for example, subsidies or tax reductions for agricultural diesel have led to reluctance among farmers to consider renewable energy investments. 24 A major advancement in 2023 was the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, which targets 1.5 GW of renewable energy capacity on farms by 2027, with a focus on biogas and solar power. 25

FIGURE 5.Countries with Renewable Energy Policies for End-Use Sectors, as of 2023


FIGURE 6.Number of Countries with Renewable Energy Regulatory Policies, by Demand Sector, 2013-2023


Market Developments and Investment Trends

In buildings and industry, concerns about volatile energy prices and supply disruptions have highlighted the role of renewables as reliable and affordable alternatives to fossil fuels. In 2023, significant investments were made in solar thermal technologies for buildings and industry, while heat pumps continued to attract funding (despite a 4% decline in investment, to USD 63.1 billion). 26

Bioenergy has remained the leading source of renewable heat in buildings, although renewable electricity is the fastest growing heat solution. 27 Rooftop solar PV systems continued to see strong growth in 2023, while heat pump installations increased 10% (with a 38% increase in Europe alone). 28

Industry relies heavily on heat, which accounts for around three-quarters of the sector's energy use. 29 Renewable energy projects for heavy industry have focused on electric arc furnaces, hydrogen and bioenergy. 30 Light industries are deploying industrial-scale heat pumps and solar thermal systems. 31 Bioenergy use in industry is on the rise, increasing 46% between 2011 and 2021. 32

In 2023, investment in EVs and charging infrastructure surpassed investment in renewables.

Progress in the transport sector was driven mainly by electric vehicles and related charging infrastructure, which have become key recipients of energy transition financing, with investment reaching USD 634 billion in 2023. 33 Biofuels continued to be the dominant renewable fuel in transport, supplying 90% of the sector's renewable energy use in 2021 (biofuel consumption increased 3% in 2021 but remained slightly below pre-pandemic levels). 34

The share of renewable energy adoption in agriculture increased from 10.2% in 2010 to 15.4% in 2021, driven by cost reductions and food preservation benefits. 35 Solar PV led the way, with agrivoltaics gaining traction in Europe and India. 36 PV-powered mini-grids and water pumps boosted rural electrification and irrigation in countries across the globe. 37 Geothermal energy and micro-hydropower also saw increased use, particularly in the United States. 38



  1. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Outlook 2023”, 2023, 1
  2. International Monetary Fund, “World Economic Outlook (October 2023) – Inflation Rate, Average Consumer Prices”, accessed 21 December 2023,; International Energy Agency, “World Energy Outlook 2023”, 2023, 2
  3. BloombergNEF, “G-20 Member States More Than Doubled Fossil-Fuel Support in 2022 to $1.3 Trillion”, 21 November 2023,; International Monetary Fund, “Fossil Fuel Subsidies Surged to Record $7 Trillion”, 24 August 2023,; Subel Rai Bhandari, “IMF: China Leads as Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Hit Record $7 Trillion”, Radio Free Asia, 25 August 2023,
  4. BloombergNEF, “Energy Transition Investment Trends 2024”, 2024, Sidebar 1 from the following sources: Patrick Jowett, “AirTrunk, ib vogt Sign Virtual PPA for 29.9 MW of Solar in Malaysia”, pv magazine Australia, 12 February 2024,; Nick Ferris, “Nine Sectors Beyond IT and Heavy Industry Reach Corporate Renewable PPA Landmark”, Energy Monitor, 27 October 2023,; Pilar Sánchez Molina, “Record Number of European PPAs in 2023, Says Pexapark”, pv magazine, 29 January 2024,; J.P. Casey, “Europe Renews Appetite for PPAs, Signs 16.2GW of Renewable Deals in 2023, Including 10.5GW of Solar”, PV-Tech, 18 January 2024,; M. Stafford, “Solar Power Purchase Agreement Prices Rise 15% Year-Over-Year in U.S.”, pv magazine, 31 January 2024,; Colton Poore, “Most Clean Power Purchasing Strategies Do Little to Cut Emissions, Study Finds”, TechXplore, 23 January 2024,; BloombergNEF, “Corporate Clean Power Buying Grew 12% to New Record in 2023, According to BloombergNEF”, 13 February 2024,; Stuart Stone, “Corporates Contract Record 46GW of Wind and Solar PPAs in 2023”, BusinessGreen, 19 December 2023, Figure 1 from BloombergNEF, op. cit. this note.4
  5. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), “Renewables 2023 Global Status Report: Global Overview Module”, 2023,; REN21, “Renewables 2024 Global Status Report: Global Overview”, 2024, 5
  6. See, for example: Henry Zeffman, Chris Mason and Brian Wheeler, “Rishi Sunak Considers Weakening Key Green Policies”, BBC News, 19 September 2023,; Derek Harrison, “Climate Rules Reach Finish Line, in Weakened Form, as Biden Races Clock”, Inside Climate News, 6 March 2024,; Julian Wettengel, “German Government MPs Agree Climate Law Reform That Weakens Sector Targets”, Clean Energy Wire, 16 April 2024,; Erwida Maulia, Norman Goh and Lien Hoang, “Greenflation Causes Indonesia and Vietnam to Backtrack on Renewables”, Nikkei Asia, 25 March 2024, 6
  7. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). Figure 2 from ibid.7
  8. Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership, “2023 Global Electrification Monitor: Trends in End-Use Sectors”, 2023, Sidebar 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 from International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).8
  9. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  10. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at Figure 5 from idem.10
  11. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  12. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  13. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at Figure 6 from idem.13
  14. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  15. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  16. Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, “2023 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction”, United Nations Environment Programme, 2023, 16
  17. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  18. GOV.UK, “Powering Up Britain”, 4 April 2023,; European Commission, “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism”, accessed April 2024, 18
  19. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  20. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  21. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  22. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  23. REN21 Policy Database. See GSR 2024 Data Pack, available at
  24. International Energy Agency (IEA), “SEK 380 Million: Temporary Tax Reduction on Agricultural Diesel – Policies”, 20 April 2023,; IEA, “2023 Price Crisis Response Policies – Policies”, 11 May 2023, 24
  25. European Commission – Agriculture and Rural Development, “Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027 – 28 CAO Strategic Plans at a Glance”, 2022,
  26. BloombergNEF, “Energy Transition Investment Trends 2024”, 2024,
  27. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).27
  28. International Energy Agency (IEA), “Photovoltaics on the Roof Programme – Policies”, 11 May 2023,; IEA, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  29. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).29
  30. Owais Ali, “Green Hydrogen for Steel Production”, AZoCleantech, 27 July 2022,; Loz Blain, “World's Largest Hydrogen ‘Green Steel' Plant to Open in Sweden by 2024”, New Atlas, 26 February 2021,; International Energy Agency (IEA), “Biomass for Industrial Heat”, Energy Post, 10 March 2022,; Jaap Koppejan, “Bioenergy for High Temperature Heat in Industry”, IEA Bioenergy, 2020,; Caitlin Swalec and Astrid Grigsby-Schulte, “Pedal to the Metal”, Global Energy Monitor, 2023,
  31. Solar Payback, “Turnkey SHIP Supplier World Map”, cited in Bärbel Epp, “The Netherlands and Spain Drive SHIP Market 2023”, Solar Thermal World, 28 March 2024,; Spectra, “The Large Heat Pumps Transforming Gas-Intensive Industries Like Pulp and Paper”, 3 August 2023,; Sarah Azau, “Saving 50% Energy in Paper Industry Through Heat Pumps”, European Heat Pump Association, 6 February 2023,
  32. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).32
  33. BloombergNEF, “Energy Transition Investment Trends 2024”, 2024,
  34. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).34
  35. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances”, 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).35
  36. Stephan Schindele et al., “Implementation of Agrophotovoltaics: Techno-Economic Analysis of the Price-Performance Ratio and Its Policy Implications”, Applied Energy 265 (1 May 2020): 114737,; Anas Rahman et al., “Agrivoltaics in India: Challenges and Opportunities for Scale-Up”, International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2023,
  37. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), “Mini Grids for Half a Billion People: Market Outlook and Handbook for Decision Makers”, 2022,; ESMAP, “Energy Storage for Mini Grids: Status and Projections of Battery Deployment”, 2023,; Energizing Agriculture Programme, “Results”, accessed 1 February 2024,; Andrew Allee, “Electrifying Nigerian Agriculture with Clean Minigrids to Improve Livelihoods”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 11 February 2023,; Ayodeji Ojo, “As Petrol Prices Climb, Nigerian Agriculture Extension Officers Cut Fuel Costs with Electric Motorbikes”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 21 December 2023,; Habiba Daggash, “Electric Rice Mills Reduce Reliance on Soaring Diesel Prices in Niger State, Nigeria”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 8 November 2023,; Folawiyo Aminu, “Pilot Updates: Minigrid-Powered Cold Room”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 26 June 2023, 37
  38. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Global Geothermal Market and Technology Assessment”, 2023,; US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “2022 Census of Agriculture”, February 2024,