Renewables in Energy Demand


Policy and Targets

In 2023, the policy landscape for renewables in the agriculture sector remained constrained by fragmented policies and a siloed approach, with national agricultural policy documents seldom mentioning renewable energy. 19 The focus was mainly on biogas and solar water pumps, sidelining the vast potential of other renewable technologies, while agrivoltaics was still considered to be at the frontier of innovation. 20 Rising consumer demand for sustainably produced goods has helped push the sector to adopt cleaner energy options to meet market expectations. 21

By the end of 2023, 4 countries and the EU had renewable energy targets in the agriculture sector. For example, in 2022, India announced its aim to replace diesel use in agriculture with renewable energy by 2024, while the Republic of Korea added a target to reach 10 GW of agrivoltaics capacity by 2030 under its Renewable Energy 2030 plan. 22 A total of 32 national and sub-national jurisdictions had renewable energy policies for agriculture as of 2023. 23 (See Figure 24.)

The European Union (EU) adopted the 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which supports biogas production and renewable energy investments on farms, with the aim of installing 1,556 MW of renewable capacity. 24 The CAP provides support for nearly 180,000 farms to engage in renewables and promotes energy efficiency and precision farming to enhance resource management. 25 The European Commission also issued a strategy on energy transitions for the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector. 26

FIGURE 24.National and Sub-National Renewable Energy Policies for Agriculture, 2023


In 2023, Indonesia increased its support to fishers and farmers through the distribution of converter kits. 27 The Philippines' National Irrigation Administration funded solar irrigation systems on plantations and offered up sites for floating solar PV projects after the successful completion of a floating solar demonstration project. 28 Egypt established a Centre for Renewable Energy in Aquaculture, financed by Norway, to test innovative renewable energy solutions among 5,000 fish producers throughout the country. 29

Fiscal and financial policies continued to be widely used for renewables in the agriculture sector in 2023. Greece offered grants to farmers covering up to 60% of the cost of PV systems, and the EU allocated USD 1.8 billion (EUR 1.7 billion) to Italy to support agrivoltaics. 30 The United States allocated USD 300 million in loans and grants to support rural electricity providers through the Rural Clean Energy Initiative. 31 Poland launched a USD 244,790 (EUR 230,000) subsidy programme to help farmers and energy co-operatives in rural communes finance renewable energy and energy storage systems, and also put in place a subsidy scheme to develop co-generation from biogas produced using municipal organic waste. 32 Brazil extended grants to a local company to develop a biogas production line. 33 In India, the state of Haryana announced new subsidies to cover 75% of the cost of solar pumps, encompassing the difference between the PM KUSUM Scheme subsidies and the actual cost of the system for the years 2023-2024. 34

In a counter trend, Sweden reduced its tax on agricultural diesel to provide farmers with relief from inflation and to match levels required by the EU. 35 Spain put in place transport fuel subsidies for farmers in a similar policy response to the price crisis. 36

  1. World Bank, “Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, Value Added (% of GDP)”, accessed 13 March 2024, 1
  2. World Bank, “Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, Value Added (Annual % Growth)”, accessed 22 January 2024, 2
  3. International Labour Organization, “Employment in Agriculture, World”, Data Finder – World Employment and Social Outlook, accessed 13 February 2024, 3
  4. Sarah K. Lowder, Jakob Skoet and Saumya Singh, “What Do We Really Know About the Number and Distribution of Farms and Family Farms Worldwide?” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2014,; M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, FAO, 2023, 4
  5. International Energy Agency, “Energy Statistics Data Browser – Data Tools”, accessed 26 January 2024, 5
  6. Global Alliance for the Future of Food, “Power Shift: Why We Need to Wean Industrial Food Systems Off Fossil Fuels”, 2023, 6
  7. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances 2021: Extended Energy Balances”, August 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).7
  8. Elia Scolaro et al., “Electrification of Agricultural Machinery: A Review”, IEEE Access 9 (2021): 164520-41,; Kyle Clark, “Farm Beneficial Electrification: Opportunities and Strategies for Rural Electric Cooperatives”, Business & Technology Surveillance, 2018,; Arash Farokhi Soofi, Saeed D. Manshadi and Araceli Saucedo, “Farm Electrification: A Road-Map to Decarbonize the Agriculture Sector”, The Electricity Journal 35, no. 2 (2022): 107076, 8
  9. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “FAOSTAT”, accessed 6 February 2024, 9
  10. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “FAOSTAT”, accessed 6 February 2024, 10
  11. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “FAOSTAT”, accessed 6 February 2024, 11
  12. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “FAOSTAT”, accessed 6 February 2024, 12
  13. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances 2021: Extended Energy Balances”, August 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). Figure 23 from Ibid.13
  14. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances 2021: Extended Energy Balances”, August 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).14
  15. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances 2021: Extended Energy Balances”, August 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).15
  16. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances 2021: Extended Energy Balances”, August 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). 16
  17. European Commission, “Final Report Summary – AGREE (Agriculture and Energy Efficiency)”, 2013,; Guillaume Martin et al., “Reducing Energy Consumption Without Compromising Food Security: The Imperative That Could Transform Agriculture”, Environmental Research Letters 18, no. 8 (2023): 081001, 17
  18. GOGLA, “Powering Adaptation and Climate Justice: The Critical Role of Off-Grid Solar Technologies”, 4 September 2023,; M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,; Jane Ambuko and Willis Owino, “Toward Sustainable Transformation Through Postharvest Management: Lessons from Kenya's Mango Value Chain”, in International Food Policy Research Institute, Food Systems Transformation in Kenya: Lessons from the Past and Policy Options for the Future, 2023, 433-68, 18
  19. Emily Cox, Sarah Royston and Jan Selby, “From Exports to Exercise: How Non-Energy Policies Affect Energy Systems”, Energy Research & Social Science 55 (1 September 2019): 179-88.; Annette Huber-Lee, “Five Key Actions to Plan Effectively for Water, Energy and Food Security”, Stockholm Environment Institute, 22 February 2021,; International Renewable Energy Agency, “Renewable Energy for Agri-Food Systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement”, 2021,; Rima Jreich, “Solar PV Key to Transforming Water, Energy, Food Crises into a Nexus Opportunity", pv magazine International, 21 December 2023, 19
  20. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Renewable Energy for Agri-Food Systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement”, 2021,; Stephan Schindele et al., “Implementation of Agrophotovoltaics: Techno-Economic Analysis of the Price-Performance Ratio and Its Policy Implications”, Applied Energy 265 (1 May 2020): 114737,
  21. McKinsey, “Building Food and Agriculture Businesses for a Green Future”, accessed 29 January 2024, 21
  22. Press Information Bureau of India, "Power Minister Chairs Virtual Meeting with States & UTs to Discuss Energy Transition Goals of India", accessed 7 May 2024,; DAWNBREAKER, “Market Research Study: Agrivoltaics”, US Department of Energy, 2022,
  23. International Energy Agency, “IEA Policies Database”, accessed 2 January 2024, Figure 24 from International Energy Agency, “World Energy Balances 2021: Extended Energy Balances”, August 2023,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).23
  24. European Commission – Agriculture and Rural Development, “Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027 – 28 CAO Strategic Plans at a Glance”, 2022, 24
  25. European Commission – Agriculture and Rural Development, “Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027 – 28 CAO Strategic Plans at a Glance”, 2022, 25
  26. European Economic and Social Committee, “Decarbonisation of the Fishing Fleet”, 13 July 2023, 26
  27. International Energy Agency, “Increase in 2023 Electricity Access Enhancement Budget – Policies”, accessed 30 January 2024, 27
  28. Max Hall, “Philippine Irrigation Body Offers Up Sites for Floating Solar”, pv magazine International, 2 March 2022,; National Irrigation Administration, "82 Completed Solar Irrigation Projects in 2023 to Aid in El Nino Mitigation", 15 March 2024,
  29. WorldFish, “Centre for Renewable Energy in Aquaculture (CeREA)”, 1 June 2023, 29
  30. International Energy Agency, “Photovoltaics on the Roof Programme – Policies”, 11 May 2023,; European Commission, “Commission Approves €1.7 Billion Italian State Aid Scheme”, 10 November 2023, 30
  31. International Energy Agency, “Rural Clean Energy Initiative & Support to Rural Energy Transition – Policies”, 30 November 2022, 31
  32. International Energy Agency (IEA), “Energy for the Countryside Programme – Policies”, accessed 29 January 2024,; IEA, “Subsidy Scheme to Develop Cogeneration from Municipal Biogas – Policies”, 12 May 2023,,
  33. International Energy Agency, “Support for Biogas Production in Goiás – Policies”, 25 May 2023, 33
  34. Arjun Joshi, “Haryana to Offer Up to 75% Subsidies on Solar Pumps Installed Under KUSUM”, Mercom India, 4 July 2023, 34
  35. International Energy Agency, “SEK 380 Million: Temporary Tax Reduction on Agricultural Diesel – Policies”, 20 April 2023, 35
  36. International Energy Agency, “2023 Price Crisis Response Policies – Policies”, 11 May 2023, 36
  37. International Renewable Energy Agency and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Renewable Energy and Agri-Food Systems: Advancing Energy and Food Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals”, 2021, 37
  38. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Renewable Energy for Agri-Food Systems”, 12 November 2022, 38
  39. International Renewable Energy Agency and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Renewable Energy and Agri-Food Systems: Advancing Energy and Food Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals”, 2021, 39
  40. International Renewable Energy Agency and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Renewable Energy and Agri-Food Systems: Advancing Energy and Food Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals”, 2021, 40
  41. Stephan Schindele et al., “Implementation of Agrophotovoltaics: Techno-Economic Analysis of the Price-Performance Ratio and Its Policy Implications”, Applied Energy 265 (1 May 2020): 114737, 41
  42. Jordan Macknick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, personal communication with REN21, 8 March 2023.42
  43. Jordan Macknick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, personal communication with REN21, 8 March 2023.43
  44. “Danish Eurowind Energy Developing 70 MW Agrivoltaic Project in Romania”, Balkan Green Energy News, 13 June 2023, 44
  45. James Wimberley, “French Consortium Wants to Mobilize €1 Billion for Agrivoltaic Projects”, pv magazine International, 6 November 2020, 45
  46. TotalEnergies, “France: TotalEnergies Acquires Ombrea and Creates a Center of Expertise for Agrivoltaics”, 2 February 2024, 46
  47. Jordan Macknick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, personal communication with REN21, 8 March 2023.47
  48. Katie Brigham, “Why Oil Majors Shell and BP Are Combining Solar Energy and Agricultural Production”, CNBC, 14 November 2023, 48
  49. M. Taylor et al., "Justice-Driven Agrivoltaics: Facilitating Agrivoltaics Embedded in Energy Justice", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 188 (1 December 2023): 113815,
  50. BlueWave, “BlueWave Closes First Major Financing Round to Support Agrivoltaic Solar Development and Long-Term Project Ownership”, 8 September 2023, 50
  51. Jordan Macknick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, personal communication with REN21, 8 March 2023.51
  52. European Biogas Association, “1st EBA Biomethane Investment Outlook”, 2023, 52
  53. Sistema.Bio, “Sistema.Bio Inaugurates ‘World's Largest Manufacturing Facility for Biogas Plants' in Pune, Maharashtra and Commits 1% of Global GHG Reduction by 2030”, 5 June 2023, 53
  54. Liege Reis, “Grupo Paranaense Aposta Em Combustível 100% Renovável”, Cibiogas, 23 November 2023,
  55. International Energy Agency, “Outlook for Biogas and Biomethane”, 2020, 55
  56. International Energy Agency, “Outlook for Biogas and Biomethane”, 2020, 56
  57. Hiroyuki Takeshima et al., “Solar-Powered Cold-Storage and Agrifood Market Modernization in Nigeria”, Agricultural Economics 54, no. 2 (2023): 234-55, 57
  58. Global Alliance for the Future of Food, “Power Shift: Why We Need to Wean Industrial Food Systems Off Fossil Fuels”, 2023,
  59. GOGLA, “Powering Adaptation and Climate Justice: The Critical Role of Off-Grid Solar Technologies”, 4 September 2023,; Oliver Reynolds and Serra Paixao, “Insights from the January-June 2023 Sales and Impact Data”, GOGLA Global Off-Grid Solar Market Data, 4 May 2023,; Soumya Balasubramanya et al., “Risks from Solar-Powered Groundwater Irrigation”, Science, 19 January 2024, 59
  60. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Off-Grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023”, December 2023, 60
  61. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Accelerating the Productive Use of Electricity: Enabling Energy Access to Power Rural Economic Growth”, 2023, 61
  62. Soumya Balasubramanya et al., “Risks from Solar-Powered Groundwater Irrigation”, Science, 19 January 2024,; International Renewable Energy Agency, “Off-Grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023”, December 2023, Snapshot: Rwanda from the following sources: irrigation expansion from Brittney C. Sly et al., “Increasing Household Diet Diversity and Food Security in Rural Rwanda Using Small-Scale Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture: A Community-Engaged Proof-of-Concept Study”, Nutrients 15, no. 14 (2023): 3137,, and from Eliezel Habineza et al., “Profitability Analysis of Small Scale Irrigation Technology Adoption to Farmers in Nasho Sector, Rwanda”, Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment 09, no. 02 (2020): 73-84,; GDP and livelihoods from Sly et al., op. cit. this note; Water Network Research, “All You Need to Know About Nasho Irrigation Project Inaugurated by President Kagame”, The Water Network, 2020,, and from Habineza et al., op. cit. this note; 90% from Habineza et al., idem; food insecurity from Sly et al., op. cit. this note, and from Habineza et al., op. cit. this note; water access from Habineza et al., op. cit. this note; reliable water sources from Ankit Chandra et al., “Water-Energy-Food Linkages in Community Smallholder Irrigation Schemes: Center Pivot Irrigation in Rwanda”, Agricultural Water Management 289 (2023): 108506,; irrigation from Habineza et al., op. cit. this note; Neha Durga et al., “Barriers to the Uptake of Solar-Powered Irrigation by Smallholder Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review”, Energy Strategy Reviews 51 (2024): 101294,; systemic barriers from Durga et al., idem; Water Network Research, op. cit. this note; Government of Rwanda, “Nasho Solar-Powered Irrigation Project to Boost Productivity and Improve Lives”, 2020,; Government of the Republic of Rwanda, “President Kagame Inaugurates a Solar-Powered Irrigation Scheme in Kirehe District”, MINAGRI, 2020,; Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development, “The Director General Visits Kirehe Irrigation Infrastructures”, 2021,; elevated production from Jean Marie Takouleu, “RWANDA: Howard Buffet Launches Solar-Powered Irrigation System in Nasho”, Afrik 21, 2020, 62
  63. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), “Renewables 2023 Global Status Report”, 2023,; M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,
  64. Jane Ambuko and Willis Owino, “Toward Sustainable Transformation Through Postharvest Management: Lessons from Kenya's Mango Value Chain”, in International Food Policy Research Institute, Food Systems Transformation in Kenya: Lessons from the Past and Policy Options for the Future, 2023, 433-68, Snapshot: Kenya from the following sources: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), “UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021”, 2021,; US Department of Agriculture (USDA), “Empowering Kenyan Agriculture with Solar-Powered Cold Storage”, Climate Hubs, accessed 20 March 2024,; food losses in Sub-Saharan Africa from USDA, op. cit. this note, from UNEP, op. cit. this note, and from Food Safety Africa, “Kenyan Innovators Collaborate to Launch First Solar Cold Storage with International Partners”, Food Safety Africa Magazine, 2024,; demand for cooling from Food Safety Africa, op. cit. this note; 65% from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “Access to Clean Energy in Displacement Settings Case Study: Kenya”, 2023,; REREC from Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation, “Our Mandate”, 2020,, and from Pauline Kimonda Kibet, “Use of Solar Energy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste in Rural Kenya”, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås, 2023,; off-grid pilots from Harriet Kwamboka, “Kenya: EIB Supports Cutting-Edge Cold Storage Facility”, European Investment Bank, 2023,, from Rédaction AfricaNews, “Kenya: Solar Powered Cold Storage Helps Farmers Reduce Costly Waste”, 9 November 2023,, and from Food Safety Africa, op. cit. this note; sweet potato facility from Food Safety Africa, op. cit. this note, and from Baridi, “Solar-Powered Cooling in East Africa's Livestock Value Chain”, accessed 20 March 2024,; FarmWorks, “Feeding Africa, Building Communities”, accessed 20 March 2024,; planned expansion from USDA, op. cit. this note.64
  65. GOGLA, “Adaptation and Resilience in the Face of Climate Disasters in Mozambique: The Role of Off-Grid Solar and Energy Access”, December 2023, 65
  66. Hiroyuki Takeshima et al., “Solar-Powered Cold-Storage and Agrifood Market Modernization in Nigeria”, Agricultural Economics 54, no. 2 (2023): 234-55,
  67. Amir Vadiee, “Solar Heating and Cooling Applications in Agriculture and Food Processing Systems”, in Solar Energy Advancements in Agriculture and Food Production Systems, 2022, 237-70, 67
  68. AC3A, “ICaRE4Farms: Improving Renewable Energy Capacity on Farms in North West Europe Using Solar Thermal Energy”, AC3A Association Des Chambres d'Agriculture de l'arc Atlantique, accessed 4 April 2024,
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  71. Sahand Hosouli et al., “Evaluation of a Solar Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) System in a Dairy Farm in Germany”, Solar Energy Advances 3 (1 January 2023): 100035, 71
  72. M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,
  73. Mundoagro, “Inauguración de la planta solar flotante más grande del cono sur: Ministro de Agricultura resalta mejoras en sustentabilidad del sector”, 17 November 2023,; Ministry of Energy of Chile, “Ministros de Energía y Agricultura Inauguran Planta Solar Flotante En Región de O´Higgins”, 16 November 2023, 73
  74. Stephan Schindele et al., “Implementation of Agrophotovoltaics: Techno-Economic Analysis of the Price-Performance Ratio and Its Policy Implications”, Applied Energy 265 (1 May 2020): 114737, 74
  75. Anas Rahman et al., “Agrivoltaics in India: Challenges and Opportunities for Scale-Up”, International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2023, 75
  76. Rafael Faustino Ferreira et al., “Agri-PV in Portugal: How to Combine Agriculture and Photovoltaic Production”, Energy for Sustainable Development 79 (1 April 2024): 101408, 76
  77. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Agrivoltaics | Solar Market Research and Analysis”, accessed 13 March 2023,; Open Energy Information, “InSPIRE/Agrivoltaics Map”, accessed 13 March 2024, 77
  78. Edgar Meza, “Turkey Launches Agrivoltaics Research Project”, pv magazine International, 27 December 2023, 78
  79. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Mini Grids for Half a Billion People: Market Outlook and Handbook for Decision Makers”, 2022,; Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Energy Storage for Mini Grids: Status and Projections of Battery Deployment”, 2023, 79
  80. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Accelerating the Productive Use of Electricity: Enabling Energy Access to Power Rural Economic Growth”, 2023,
  81. Energizing Agriculture Programme, “Results”, accessed 1 February 2024,; Andrew Allee, “Electrifying Nigerian Agriculture with Clean Minigrids to Improve Livelihoods”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 11 February 2023,; Ayodeji Ojo, “As Petrol Prices Climb, Nigerian Agriculture Extension Officers Cut Fuel Costs with Electric Motorbikes”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 21 December 2023,; Habiba Daggash, “Electric Rice Mills Reduce Reliance on Soaring Diesel Prices in Niger State, Nigeria”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 8 November 2023,; Folawiyo Aminu, “Pilot Updates: Minigrid-Powered Cold Room”, Energizing Agriculture Programme, 26 June 2023,
  82. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Energy Storage for Mini Grids: Status and Projections of Battery Deployment”, 2023,
  83. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Geothermal Energy: Unveiling the Socioeconomic Benefits”, 2 January 2024,; Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Direct Utilization of Geothermal Resources. Technical Report 21/22”, 2022, 83
  84. M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,
  85. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Geothermal Energy: Unveiling the Socioeconomic Benefits”, 2 January 2024,
  86. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Global Geothermal Market and Technology Assessment”, 2023,; Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, “Geothermal Energy: Unveiling the Socioeconomic Benefits”, 2 January 2024, 86
  87. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Global Geothermal Market and Technology Assessment”, 2023, 87
  88. US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “2022 Census of Agriculture”, February 2024, 88
  89. M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,
  90. US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “2022 Census of Agriculture”, February 2024,
  91. International Energy Agency, “Renewables 2023 – Analysis and Forecast to 2028”, January 2024, 91
  92. International Energy Agency, “Renewables 2023 – Analysis and Forecast to 2028”, January 2024, 92
  93. International Renewable Energy Agency, “Off-Grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023”, December 2023,
  94. M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,
  95. US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “2022 Census of Agriculture”, February 2024, 95
  96. Salmonexpert Noticias, “Ventisqueros inaugura primer centro que funciona 100% con energía eléctrica renovable”, 17 August 2023,; The Fish Site, “Chile Switches on Its First Fully Renewable-Powered Salmon Farm”, 5 September 2023, 96
  97. Liv Casben, “Farmers Cashing in on Renewable Energy Opportunities”, Newcastle Herald, 5 February 2024,; US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “2022 Census of Agriculture”, February 2024,
  98. US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, “2022 Census of Agriculture”, February 2024, 98
  99. Gareth Moore and Pål Mugaas Jensen, ‘Chile's First 100% Renewably-Powered Salmon Farm Switched On', 17 August 2023,
  100. M. Puri et al., “The Small-Scale Fisheries and Energy Nexus: Opportunities for Renewable Energy Interventions”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2023,