Renewables in Energy Supply


Heat Pumps


Key Facts
Heat Pumps

  • Heat pumps are considerably more efficient than conventional technologies, providing 3-4 units of heat per unit of electricity, especially when driven by renewable energy.
  • The market remains strong, despite a slight slowdown in key regions.
  • China remains the largest heat pump market, with 12% growth in 2023. Sales in Germany and Belgium increased 60% and 72% respectively.
  • Heat pumps have proven popular with residential consumers. Industrial applications and networked systems are under development.

Heat pumps commonly meet heating and cooling demands in buildings and industrial processes. On an appliance level, heat pumps can provide heat more efficiently than conventional heating technologies. 1 This is because, rather than “producing” thermal energy (for example, through combustion), heat pumps use a refrigeration cycle to draw heat from a lower-temperature ambient source to a higher-temperature destination. Heat pumps use an external energy source, typically electricity, to drive this cycle, “pumping” around 3-4 units of heat per unit of electricity. 2 When the energy used to drive a heat pump is renewable, so is the full heat provided. i

Common sources of ambient energy include the outside air, the ground and bodies of water. Air-source heat pumps are the most widespread, accounting for around 85% of the heat pumps in buildings worldwide. 3

Growth slowed in 2023, notably in Europe, due largely to political indecision and to the challenges of a maturing industry that lacks a large workforce and a local manufacturing base. 4 Rather than opt for regulation to set a clear path for heat pump deployment in buildings, many countries boosted subsidies amid a landscape of rising costs.

Annual Additions and Top Countries

The global market for heat pumps is concentrated mainly in countries with colder climates, such as China, Japan, the United States and parts of Europe. However, countries with warmer climates also install heat pumps, given that the units can be reversible, moving heat from the interior to the exterior rather than vice versa. Because heat pumps also can provide cooling, their growing global deployment is attributed in part to rising demand for space cooling. 5

Although many of the world's leading heat pump installing regions, such as the United States and Europe, have experienced strong market growth in recent years, some of these markets contracted during 2023. 6 (See Figure 22.)

In Asia, heat pump sales in China grew an estimated 12% in 2023, accounting for around 8% of heating equipment sales for buildings. 7 China has become the world's largest market for air-source heat pumps by a wide margin. 8 Part of the popularity of heat pumps in the country is related to cost: in many regions, heat pumps typically have a six-year payback period when added to a home with solar photovoltaics (PV). 9 Japan's market for home air conditioners for heating ii and heat pump water heaters fell 4% in 2023, although the market grew around 9% during the decade 2014-2023. 10

In North America, shipments of heat pumps in the United States fell 17% in 2023 to reach around 3.6 million units, despite incentives provided under the Inflation Reduction Act. 11 Nearly all US states have passed local- or state-level electrification mandates or restrictions on fossil gas, or have passed legislation that prohibits the adoption of such measures. 12 However, the decline in heat pumps occurred during an overall downturn in the heating market, where heat pumps have outsold gas furnaces by an increasing margin. 13 The American Institute of Architects noted a doubling in the completion of all-electric building projects by its members between 2021 and 2023. 14

The US outlook for heat pumps is further bolstered by an initiative of nine states committed to ensuring that heat pumps account for a rising share of residential heating and cooling sales: 65% by 2030 and 90% by 2040. 15 In addition, as of 2023, a total of 25 US state governments had pledged to pursue decarbonisation policies for buildings, and a group of large corporations called for an increase in such policies. 16 Air-to-air heat pumps were found to be cost-effective without subsidies in 59% of US homes. 17

In Canada, heat pump sales dropped around 36% in 2023 to 440,000 units, amid a harsher political climate. 18 The country paused its carbon tax on heating oil during 2023 and announced the end of the Greener Home Grants subsidy scheme due to a lack of remaining funds, as the programme exceeded government expectations. 19

FIGURE 22.Heat Pump Sales in Major Markets, 2014-2023


In Europe, despite the European Union (EU) aiming to install an additional 10 million units by 2027, overall heat pump sales fell 5% in 2023, totalling around 2.6 million units. 20 Sales in Poland declined 45%, from 208,000 to 113,000 units, and in Finland they fell 43% from 200,00 to 114,000 units. 21 Italy's heat pump sales declined 33%, dropping to around 345,000 units. 22 Several countries nonetheless saw impressive growth in heat pump sales during the year. Germany's sales surged, increasing almost 60%, to 439,000 units. 23 In the Netherlands, sales increased 53%, with 154,000 units sold. 24 (See Snapshot: The Netherlands.) Belgium recorded the largest market upswing in Europe with an unprecedented 72% increase, surpassing the 100,000 unit sales mark for the first time. 25

Recent backpedalling by the European Commission on the heat pump action plan has raised concerns, and more than 60 chief executive officers have warned that USD 7.7 (EUR 7 billion) of investment is at risk. 26 However, the EU's Renewable Energy Directive, revised in 2023, counts the renewable electricity used to power heat pumps towards each country's renewable energy targets. 27 Other EU legislative frameworks – such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the Net-Zero Industry Act – may also play a significant role in the deployment and manufacturing of heat pumps. 28

A growing number of large-scale heat pumps are being used in district heating.

At the national level, several European countries delayed or weakened their policy action. The United Kingdom delayed adopting a clean heat market mechanism but increased the country's main grant programme, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. 29 France decided not to apply new heat pump regulations, and in early 2024 it announced a significant reduction in funding. 30 Germany faced setbacks with a new buildings law and decided to reduce subsidies, while in the Netherlands a requirement for homeowners to switch to a hybrid heat pump when replacing boilers has been removed. 31

In Australia, single-split heat pump systems are widely used for both heating and cooling. Sales were expected to reach around 1.37 million units in 2023, up from 1.32 million in 2022 and 43% greater than in 2014. 32 New Zealand's heat pump and air conditioner sales fell 11% in 2023 to reach around 241,000 units, although this is still more than double the level of a decade earlier (2014), when only around 100,000 units were sold. 33


Heat Pump Applications and Trends

Heat pumps have become increasingly prevalent in both residential and commercial buildings, driven partly by a desire for more renewable heat, but also spurred by comfort and cost considerations. 34 A growing number of large-scale heat pumps are being used for district heating purposes, offering a solution that can serve entire communities or specific industrial sectors. 35

The financial aspects of adopting heat pumps involve initial capital costs, operating expenses, and payback times, which are critical factors for homeowners and businesses. The capital cost of heat pumps, while often higher than fossil fuel heating systems, can be offset by lower operating costs due to the high efficiency of heat pumps. 36 Payback periods vary depending on several factors, including notably the relative prices of electricity and fossil heating fuels. Heat pump owners living in regions with high fossil gas prices, for example, and low electricity prices (per kWh) can experience very short payback periods and large savings in running costs. 37 As such, the adoption of heat pumps is closely tied to energy pricing policies, and certain countries have considered reforming their energy taxation policies to support heat pumps. 38

Heat pumps have proven to be viable in colder climates, challenging the misconception that they are only effective in mild weather conditions. 39 The most heat pumps per household are found in the Nordic countries. 40 Hybrid heat pumps iii , which typically combine fossil fuel-based heating systems with heat pumps, have emerged as a practical solution in extreme climates; they can be combined with renewable energy sources, such as solar PV and solar thermal, as well as bioenergy boilers and furnaces. 41


Supportive policies driving strong heat pump sales

With more than 90% of homes relying on fossil gas for heating, the Netherlands is one of Europe's most gas-dependent countries. Combusting fossil gas in Dutch homes accounted for around 15% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. The government plans to take 25% of its 8 million homes off the gas grid by 2030, with a target to remove gas from residential buildings entirely by 2050.

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Supportive policies driving strong heat pump sales

With more than 90% of homes relying on fossil gas for heating, the Netherlands is one of Europe's most gas-dependent countries. Combusting fossil gas in Dutch homes accounted for around 15% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. The government plans to take 25% of its 8 million homes off the gas grid by 2030, with a target to remove gas from residential buildings entirely by 2050.

Political and industry leaders have recognised heat pumps as a key renewable energy technology to help transition homes away from fossil gas. In 2023, more than 150,000 heat pump units were sold in the Netherlands, up 53% from 2022 levels. (p See Figure 23.) This occurred at a time when many European countries saw their heat pump sales stagnate or even contract.

Although the ambitious gas phase-out played a rolein the Dutch heat pump transition, supportive policy has been crucial. In recent years, the Netherlands has put in place supportive grants (starting in 2016), energy pricing and regulatory reform that resulted in widespread heat pump uptake. Efforts to rebalance energy prices of fossil gas and electricity have allowed heat pumps to become a more economic option for Dutch households, contrary to those in Belgium and Germany.

The Netherlands also announced in 2018 that new buildings must be fossil gas-free, and reached a government agreement in 2021 to make “hybrid heat pumps”, a configuration where a heat pump operates in parallel with a gas boiler, the minimum performance standard for existing buildings. This new law was a result of effective collaboration between government, industry and civil society.

FIGURE 23.Heat Pump Sales in the Netherlands, 2013-2023


Heat Pump Industry

In 2023, major companies in the heat pump industry made strategic moves to consolidate their positions and enter new markets. Notable mergers and acquisitions included the acquisition by Carrier (United States) of the company Viessmann (Germany), illustrating significant consolidation in the industry; meanwhile, the purchase by EDF (France) of CB Heating (United Kingdom) underscored the rising interest of energy companies in the heating sector. 42 The expansion of Aira (Sweden), a start-up that successfully raised USD 109 million (GBP 86 million) to finance its innovative pan-European sales model, reflected a shift towards more consumer-friendly business models; the company offers directto-consumer heat pumps through a monthly subscription. 43 In Germany, the country's largest heating system installer announced that it would stop selling gas boilers. 44

Investments in heat pump manufacturing continued to surge. The United States announced significant funding, including a USD 63 million initiative and a further USD 169 million in awards to boost heat pump manufacturing. 45 Global competition increased during the year, with Europe's announced future manufacturing capacity of heat pumps reaching three times its existing capacity. 46 The bulk of these investments were in Central and Eastern European countries – such as Poland, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic – with numerous companies making further investments and announcements. 47 However, the negative market outlook, coupled with rising inflation, also caused challenges, leading to hundreds of announced lay-offs across European heat pump manufacturers. 48

The workforce and innovation sectors experienced significant developments as well. New training programmes were introduced to meet the growing demand for skilled heat pump installers. 49

Innovations in the operation of heat pumps highlight the increasing role of the devices as a flexible energy resource iv . 50 Meanwhile, the industry is navigating complex regulatory landscapes concerning refrigerants to ensure environmental compliance and greenhouse gas neutrality, with debates ongoing about the status and impact of fluorinated gases. 51

In the realm of research and development, new models and innovations have been reshaping the heat pump industry, with Octopus (United Kingdom) introducing a model cheap enough to have no upfront cost when the UK grant is taken into account, and OVO promising to cut the running costs of heat pumps by half. 52 Meanwhile, companies are releasing new models of cold-climate heat pumps, as well as high-temperature heat pumps that can operate in unrenovated buildings, and heat pumps with more attractive designs or simple installation. 53

Challenges and Opportunities

The heat pump sector faces several challenges related to ongoing deployment and use. Across most regions, the energy price imbalance between fossil fuels and electricity remains a significant hurdle. 54 Additionally, there is a notable lack of installers, which, coupled with rising costs, could hold back further sales. 55 Permitting problems are particularly prevalent in Europe. 56 Despite these obstacles, and even though political sentiment towards heat pumps appears to be waning, surveys indicate that users of heat pumps generally report high levels of satisfaction and comfort with their devices. 57

In 2023, the United States and Europe increased their investment in heat pump manufacturing.

Heat pumps have considerable opportunities to decarbonise buildings and industry when operating using renewable energy sources. They can also be integrated into district heating and cooling networks. 58 (See Snapshot: United States.) They have been increasingly proven to operate efficiently across a variety of conditions and can bring significant cost savings when energy prices are balanced and the unit is properly installed. 59 Moreover, heat pumps hold large potential for demand response initiatives and are expected to play a crucial role in a smarter, digitised and more electrified energy system. 60 While still in the early stages of development, industrial heat pumps represent a promising and emerging technology in the field. 61



Innovative District Geothermal Network to Decarbonise Heating and Cooling in Framingham, Massachusetts

The gas utility Eversource in the US state of Massachusetts is developing a networked geothermal system, leveraging the company's expertise and interests in underground infrastructure and cost-sharing practices from gas pipeline systems. Buildings account for 35% of greenhouse gas emissions in the state, mainly from fossil fuel heating systems, and Massachusetts' climate plan aims to eliminate nearly all emissions from buildings by 2050.

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Innovative District Geothermal Network to Decarbonise Heating and Cooling in Framingham, Massachusetts

The gas utility Eversource in the US state of Massachusetts is developing a networked geothermal system, leveraging the company's expertise and interests in underground infrastructure and cost-sharing practices from gas pipeline systems. Buildings account for 35% of greenhouse gas emissions in the state, mainly from fossil fuel heating systems, and Massachusetts' climate plan aims to eliminate nearly all emissions from buildings by 2050.

Networked geothermal projects use zero-emission underground heat and reduce the need for costly electricity and gas infrastructure; more than 69,000 kilometres of transmission lines and 410 GW of generation could be avoided by 2050. Interconnected heat pumps and shared infrastructure greatly improve efficiency, optimise energy use and reduce costs. Utility bill savings can also be expected – for example, a similar network at Colorado Mesa University reduced annual energy costs by USD 1 million.

Launched in June 2023, the project will connect 37 buildings – including residences, small businesses and a fire station in the city of Framingham, Massachusetts and will serve 140 low-income residents, reducing their reliance on expensive and ageing gas infrastructure. The project also emphasises community and customer engagement.

A looping pipe system taps into the constant 12.8°C temperature hundreds of metres underground, using heat pumps and condensers to warm buildings during the winter and redirect excess heat back underground for cooling during summer.

The project's budget is USD 14.7 million, but the system will require minimal operating expenditure and costs are expected to decrease as utilities gain more experience, while a cost-sharing model ensures affordability for consumers.

Because US gas companies are mandated to provide natural gas, introducing an alternative energy source requires state approval. Massachusetts granted permission for a pilot programme in 2021, and similar initiatives are under way in Colorado, Minnesota and New York. Notably, New York has required major utilities to propose such projects since 2022, with 17 already in the planning stage, and the US Department of Energy is providing up to USD 13 million to support community-led district geothermal solutions.

Source: See endnote 58 for this section.



i See GSR 2023 for a discussion on the renewable classification of heat pumps, and previous GSR editions for explanations of their operation.

ii Around 30% of home air conditioner sales in Japan are estimated to be used as a primary heating device. See endnote 10 for this section.

iii Hybrid heating systems can switch between the heat pump and a fossil heating source, depending on the temperature, ensuring energy efficiency and reliability throughout the year. Typically, the heat pump will provide the majority (around 80%) of the space and water heating demand throughout the year, with the fossil heating system taking over during peak cold periods.

iv One example is Tiko (Switzerland), which aggregates heat pumps and other appliances from numerous customers to form a virtual power plant. By combining resources from more than 7,000 households, Tiko's virtual power plant achieves a capacity of 100 megawatts, ranking it among the most significant virtual power plants in Europe. See endnote 50 for this section.

  1. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  2. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  3. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  4. Lucas Davis, “Why Are Heat Pump Sales Decreasing?” Energy Institute, 29 April 2024,; Duncan Gibb and Jan Rosenow, “Heat Pumps Gained European Market Share in 2023 Despite Falling Sales”, Carbon Brief, 21 May 2024,; Eugene Mahalingam, “Fixing Europe's Heat Pump Rollout Crucial”, The Star, 24 October 2023, 4
  5. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  6. Figure 22 based on the following sources: Air-conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute, “AHRI Releases January 2024 U.S. Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data”, 8 March 2024,; Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA), “Statistics”, July 2022,; Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, “Heat Pumps – Emerging Trends in the Australian Market”, 2023,; European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action", 27 February 2024,; Chinese heat pump sales by capacity from International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps in China”, 2024,
  7. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps in China”, 2024, 7
  8. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps in China”, 2024,
  9. Anders Hove, “Synergies Between China's Whole County PV Program and Rural Heating Electrification”, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, May 2023, 9
  10. Data on home air conditioners from Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association, “World Air Conditioner Demand by Region”, July 2022, 10
  11. Air-conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute, “AHRI Releases January 2024 U.S. Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data”, 8 March 2024,
  12. S&P Global Market Intelligence, “Gas Ban Monitor: 1st Mass. Bans Advance amid Broader New England Push”, 8 November 2023,; S&P Global Market Intelligence, “Gas Ban Monitor: Md. Counties Go All-Electric; Vt. Gas Restrictions Expand”, 7 November 2023, 12
  13. Alison F. Takemura, “Heat Pumps Outsold Gas Furnaces Again Last Year – and the Gap Is Growing”, Canary Media, 13 February 2024, 13
  14. Building Decarbonization Coalition and Sunstone Strategies, “2023 Wrapped: Decarb Edition”, 21 December 2023, 14
  15. Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, “Nine States Pledge Joint Action to Accelerate Transition to Clean Buildings”, January 2024, 15
  16. Ceres, “Support for Multi-State Building Decarbonization Actions”, 6 February 2024, 16
  17. Eric J.H. Wilson et al., “Heat Pumps for All? Distributions of the Costs and Benefits of Residential Air-Source Heat Pumps in the United States”, Joule 8, no. 4 (February 12, 2024): 1000-1035, 17
  18. Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI), “HVACR Quarterly Statistics”, accessed 3 May 2024, 18
  19. Darron Major, “Ottawa Exempting Home Heating Oil from Carbon Tax for 3 Years, Trudeau Says”, CBC News, 26 October 2023,; Natural Resources Canada, “Canada Greener Homes Initiative – February 2024 Update”, 4 February 2024, 19
  20. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024, 20
  21. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  22. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  23. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  24. Snapshot: The Netherlands from the following sources: 25% of 8 million homes from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, “Decarbonising Homes in Cities in the Netherlands: A Neighbourhood Approach”, 2023,; policy and industry recognition from Dieko Boekel, Natuur & Millieu, presentation to the Heating Hub, 20 June 2023; 150,000 units sold from European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), “Market Statistics”, accessed 3 May 2024,; stagnate or contract from EHPA, “Pump It Down: Why Heat Pump Sales Dropped in 2023”, 15 April 2024,; more economic option from Jan Rosenow et al., “Levelling the Playing Field: Aligning Heating Energy Taxes and Levies in Europe with Climate Goals”, Regulatory Assistance Project, 12 July 2022,; new law “Action Plan for Hybrid Heat Pumps 2022 through 2024” (Actieplan hybride warmtepompen 2022 t/m 2024), June 2022,
  25. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  26. Angela Skujins, “Heat Over Delayed EU Heat Pump Plan”, pv magazine International, 20 December 2023,; European Heat Pump Association, “60+ CEOs Warn €7 Billion at Risk if EU Heat Pump Action Plan Delayed”, 30 January 2024, 26
  27. Duncan Gibb, “Opinion: Business as Usual? Heating and Cooling in the EU's Updated Renewable Energy Directive”, Energy Monitor, 28 June 2023, 27
  28. Peter Sweatman, “Five Hidden Gems in the EU's Recast Buildings Directive”, Euractiv, 8 December 2023,; European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pumps in the Net Zero Industry Act”, 12 June 2023, 28
  29. Phoebe Cooke, “UK Government Holds Its Nerve on Heat Pumps as Clean Heat Policy Confirmed”, DeSmog Blog, 7 March 2024,; Government of the UK, “Heat Pump Grants Increased by 50%”, 23 October 2023,; Jillian Ambrose, “Heat Pumps Are Hot Property in Europe. Does Britain Have Cold Feet?” The Guardian, 23 December 2023, 29
  30. Paul Messad, “Anger as France Slashes Green Transition Budget by €1.4 Billion”, Euractiv, 21 February 2024, 30
  31. Kate Connolly, “German Heat Pump Rollout at Risk as Government Suspends Climate Subsidies”, The Guardian, 6 December 2023,; Meike Eijsberg and James Crisp, “Dutch Farmers Force Heat Pumps About-turn”, The Telegraph, 18 May 2024,
  32. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, “Heat Pumps – Emerging Trends in the Australian Market”, 2023, 32
  33. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, “Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners Sold in New Zealand”, 2024, 33
  34. Amber Rolt, “‘Encouraging': Heat Pumps Command Strong Satisfaction Among Users, Major Survey Finds”, Business Green, 30 May 2023,; Nesta, “Heat Pumps: A User Survey”, 23 May 2024,; Cool Products, “Heat Pumps Perform Successfully Across Europe – New Consumer Analysis”, 1 February 2022,; The Cadmus Group, “Residential ccASHP Building Electrification Study”, April 2022,; Clea Skopeliti and Jillian Ambrose, “Pump It Up: UK Householders on Ditching Their Gas Central Heating”, The Guardian, 12 May 2023, 34
  35. Euroheat and Power, “Large Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling Systems”, December 2022,; Theis Gjedsted [@TheisDG], “@burger_jaap Another Example from Frederiksberg, Denmark. Four Heat Pumps Will Generate Heat from Drinking Water (Lowering the Temperature from 10 to 6 Degrees) and Provide up to 40 GWh Heat (6 % of Heat Need for District Heating to +100.000 Local Residents): https://T.Co/PfPbnXH1wX”, Twitter/X, 24 March 2023,; Marija Maisch, “European Utilities Turning to Large Heat Pumps”, pv magazine International, 19 July 2023,
  36. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  37. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  38. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Berlin Considers Slashing Electricity Tax by 95% to Boost Heat Pump Uptake”, Euractiv, 20 September 2023, 38
  39. Duncan Gibb et al., “Coming in from the Cold: Heat Pump Efficiency at Low Temperatures”, Joule 7, no. 9 (September 11, 2023): 1939-1942,; Fiona Harvey, “Heat Pumps Twice as Efficient as Fossil Fuel Systems in Cold Weather, Study Finds”, The Guardian, 11 September 2023, 39
  40. Jan Rosenow, “Guest Post: How Heat Pumps Became a Nordic Success Story”, Carbon Brief, 2 October 2023, 40
  41. International Energy Agency Heat Pumping Technologies Technology Collaboration Programme. “Hybrid Heat Pumps – Final Report”, 2019. 41
  42. Carrier Global Corporation, “Carrier Announces Portfolio Transformation to Create Global Leader in Intelligent Climate and Energy Solutions”, 25 April 2023,; James Murray, “EDF Targets Heat Pump Market with CB Heating Acquisition”, Business Green, 13 November 2023, 42
  43. Cooling Post, “Aira Lands €86m Heat Pump Investment”, 22 October 2023,; Cooling Post, “Aira Is New Challenger in Heat Pump Market”, 18 June 2023, 43
  44. Franca Quecke, “Germany's Largest Heating Installer Terminates Sale of Gas Boilers, Focuses on Heat Pumps”, Clean Energy Wire, 22 February 2024, 44
  45. US Department of Energy, “Biden-Harris Administration Announces $63 Million to Accelerate Electric Heat Pump Manufacturing Across America as Part of Investing in America Agenda”, 14 February 2024, 45
  46. International Energy Agency, “Heat Pump Manufacturing Capacity by Country or Region According to Announced Projects and in the Net Zero Scenario”, 4 April 2023, 46
  47. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Europe's ‘Heat Pump Valley' Takes Root in the East”, Euractiv, 1 June 2023,; Cooling Post, “Bosch Commits over €1bn to Heat Pump Production”, 19 April 2023,; Cooling Post, “Bosch to Invest €100m in Portuguese Heat Pump Factory”, 3 November 2023,; Cooling Post, “Remeha Opens Largest Dutch Heat Pump Factory”, 30 August 2023,
  48. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action”, 27 February 2024, 48
  49. Cooling Post, “Daikin Launches Heat Pump Installer Programme”, 30 November 2023,; Alison F. Takemura, “This New Training Program Will Put People to Work as Heat-Pump Installers”, Canary Media, 26 May 2023, 49
  50. International Renewable Energy Agency, “How Innovation in Heat Pumps Can Transform Heating and Cooling”, 15 August 2023, 50
  51. Eric Erdman, “What You Need to Know About the Refrigerant Transition”, HPAC Engineering, 23 April 2024,; Environmental Investigation Agency, “Ambition of Newly Revised EU F-Gas Regulation Heralds a New Era of Climate Innovation!” 5 October 2023,; Doug Raymond, “Regulatory Issues,” Spray Technology & Marketing, 1 March 2024,
  52. Cecilia Keating, “‘Heat Pumps for Everyone': Octopus Launches ‘Free' Heat Pump Package”, Business Green, 14 September 2023,; The Engineer, “Octopus Raises the Temperature with Cosy Heat Pump”, 15 September 2023,; Michael Holder, “OVO to Offer Heat Pumps at Lower Cost Than Gas Boilers”, Business Green, 3 October 2023, 52
  53. Cooling Post, “Midea Exceeds Cold Climate Challenge”, 16 October 2023,; Cooling Post, “Octopus Gives Heat Pumps a New Look”, 15 September 2023,; Gregory Han, “Blond Makes Sustainability More Sexy With Electric Air Heat Pump”, Design Milk, 12 December 2023,; Lior Kahana, “New Model to Predict Defrost Cycles, Behavior of Air-Sourced Heat Pumps in Cold Weather”, pv magazine International, 5 December 2023,; Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Four Key Hurdles for Would-Be Owners of Heat Pumps in Europe”, Euractiv, 8 June 2023,
  54. European Heat Pump Association, “In Which Countries Does the Electricity Price Work for Heat Pumps?” 31 May 2024, 54
  55. Cezara Missing and Kai Roger Lobo, “Heat Pump Ramp-up: Tackling the Installers Gap", Euractiv, 22 May 2024, 55
  56. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Four Key Hurdles for Would-Be Owners of Heat Pumps in Europe”, Euractiv, 8 June 2023, 56
  57. Sally Caird, Robin Roy and Stephen Potter, “Domestic Heat Pumps in the UK: User Behaviour, Satisfaction and Performance", Energy Efficiency 5 (2012): 283-301,; Nesta, “Heat Pumps: A User Survey”, 23 May 2023,; Cool Products, “Heat Pumps Perform Successfully Across Europe – New Consumer Analysis”, 1 February 2022,; Amber Rolt, “‘Encouraging': Heat Pumps Command Strong Satisfaction Among Users, Major Survey Finds”, 30 May 2023, 57
  58. Snapshot United States from the following sources: Eversource, “Geothermal Pilot Project in Framingham”, accessed 7 June 2024,; Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, “Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Metrics”, accessed 7 June 2024,; Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, “Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050”, December 2022,; U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, “US Department of Energy Analysis Highlights Geothermal Heat Pumps as a Pathway to a Decarbonized Energy Future”, 6 December 2023,; Adele Peters, "First-of-a-kind U.S. Utility Pilots Community Geothermal to Cut Emissions and Bills", Energy Post, 19 July 2023, Nikki Bruno, “Geothermal Pilot in Framingham Could Be Key Decarbonization Answer”, CommonWealth Beacon, 6 February 2023,; Alyssa Bersine, “NREL Researchers Bring Technical Expertise to Communities Selected for Geothermal Heating and Cooling Initiative”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 26 July 2023,
  59. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  60. IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies, "Large-Scale Demand Response of Heat Pumps to Support the National Power System", 5 December 2023,
  61. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,