

Supportive policies driving strong heat pump sales

With more than 90% of homes relying on fossil gas for heating, the Netherlands is one of Europe's most gas-dependent countries. Combusting fossil gas in Dutch homes accounted for around 15% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. The government plans to take 25% of its 8 million homes off the gas grid by 2030, with a target to remove gas from residential buildings entirely by 2050.

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Supportive policies driving strong heat pump sales

With more than 90% of homes relying on fossil gas for heating, the Netherlands is one of Europe's most gas-dependent countries. Combusting fossil gas in Dutch homes accounted for around 15% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. The government plans to take 25% of its 8 million homes off the gas grid by 2030, with a target to remove gas from residential buildings entirely by 2050.

Political and industry leaders have recognised heat pumps as a key renewable energy technology to help transition homes away from fossil gas. In 2023, more than 150,000 heat pump units were sold in the Netherlands, up 53% from 2022 levels. (p See Figure 23.) This occurred at a time when many European countries saw their heat pump sales stagnate or even contract.

Although the ambitious gas phase-out played a rolein the Dutch heat pump transition, supportive policy has been crucial. In recent years, the Netherlands has put in place supportive grants (starting in 2016), energy pricing and regulatory reform that resulted in widespread heat pump uptake. Efforts to rebalance energy prices of fossil gas and electricity have allowed heat pumps to become a more economic option for Dutch households, contrary to those in Belgium and Germany.

The Netherlands also announced in 2018 that new buildings must be fossil gas-free, and reached a government agreement in 2021 to make “hybrid heat pumps”, a configuration where a heat pump operates in parallel with a gas boiler, the minimum performance standard for existing buildings. This new law was a result of effective collaboration between government, industry and civil society.

FIGURE 23.Heat Pump Sales in the Netherlands, 2013-2023

  1. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  2. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  3. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  4. Lucas Davis, “Why Are Heat Pump Sales Decreasing?” Energy Institute, 29 April 2024,; Duncan Gibb and Jan Rosenow, “Heat Pumps Gained European Market Share in 2023 Despite Falling Sales”, Carbon Brief, 21 May 2024,; Eugene Mahalingam, “Fixing Europe's Heat Pump Rollout Crucial”, The Star, 24 October 2023, 4
  5. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  6. Figure 22 based on the following sources: Air-conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute, “AHRI Releases January 2024 U.S. Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data”, 8 March 2024,; Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA), “Statistics”, July 2022,; Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, “Heat Pumps – Emerging Trends in the Australian Market”, 2023,; European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action", 27 February 2024,; Chinese heat pump sales by capacity from International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps in China”, 2024,
  7. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps in China”, 2024, 7
  8. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps in China”, 2024,
  9. Anders Hove, “Synergies Between China's Whole County PV Program and Rural Heating Electrification”, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, May 2023, 9
  10. Data on home air conditioners from Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association, “World Air Conditioner Demand by Region”, July 2022, 10
  11. Air-conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute, “AHRI Releases January 2024 U.S. Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data”, 8 March 2024,
  12. S&P Global Market Intelligence, “Gas Ban Monitor: 1st Mass. Bans Advance amid Broader New England Push”, 8 November 2023,; S&P Global Market Intelligence, “Gas Ban Monitor: Md. Counties Go All-Electric; Vt. Gas Restrictions Expand”, 7 November 2023, 12
  13. Alison F. Takemura, “Heat Pumps Outsold Gas Furnaces Again Last Year – and the Gap Is Growing”, Canary Media, 13 February 2024, 13
  14. Building Decarbonization Coalition and Sunstone Strategies, “2023 Wrapped: Decarb Edition”, 21 December 2023, 14
  15. Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, “Nine States Pledge Joint Action to Accelerate Transition to Clean Buildings”, January 2024, 15
  16. Ceres, “Support for Multi-State Building Decarbonization Actions”, 6 February 2024, 16
  17. Eric J.H. Wilson et al., “Heat Pumps for All? Distributions of the Costs and Benefits of Residential Air-Source Heat Pumps in the United States”, Joule 8, no. 4 (February 12, 2024): 1000-1035, 17
  18. Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI), “HVACR Quarterly Statistics”, accessed 3 May 2024, 18
  19. Darron Major, “Ottawa Exempting Home Heating Oil from Carbon Tax for 3 Years, Trudeau Says”, CBC News, 26 October 2023,; Natural Resources Canada, “Canada Greener Homes Initiative – February 2024 Update”, 4 February 2024, 19
  20. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024, 20
  21. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  22. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  23. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  24. Snapshot: The Netherlands from the following sources: 25% of 8 million homes from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, “Decarbonising Homes in Cities in the Netherlands: A Neighbourhood Approach”, 2023,; policy and industry recognition from Dieko Boekel, Natuur & Millieu, presentation to the Heating Hub, 20 June 2023; 150,000 units sold from European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), “Market Statistics”, accessed 3 May 2024,; stagnate or contract from EHPA, “Pump It Down: Why Heat Pump Sales Dropped in 2023”, 15 April 2024,; more economic option from Jan Rosenow et al., “Levelling the Playing Field: Aligning Heating Energy Taxes and Levies in Europe with Climate Goals”, Regulatory Assistance Project, 12 July 2022,; new law “Action Plan for Hybrid Heat Pumps 2022 through 2024” (Actieplan hybride warmtepompen 2022 t/m 2024), June 2022,
  25. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action, 27 February 2024,
  26. Angela Skujins, “Heat Over Delayed EU Heat Pump Plan”, pv magazine International, 20 December 2023,; European Heat Pump Association, “60+ CEOs Warn €7 Billion at Risk if EU Heat Pump Action Plan Delayed”, 30 January 2024, 26
  27. Duncan Gibb, “Opinion: Business as Usual? Heating and Cooling in the EU's Updated Renewable Energy Directive”, Energy Monitor, 28 June 2023, 27
  28. Peter Sweatman, “Five Hidden Gems in the EU's Recast Buildings Directive”, Euractiv, 8 December 2023,; European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pumps in the Net Zero Industry Act”, 12 June 2023, 28
  29. Phoebe Cooke, “UK Government Holds Its Nerve on Heat Pumps as Clean Heat Policy Confirmed”, DeSmog Blog, 7 March 2024,; Government of the UK, “Heat Pump Grants Increased by 50%”, 23 October 2023,; Jillian Ambrose, “Heat Pumps Are Hot Property in Europe. Does Britain Have Cold Feet?” The Guardian, 23 December 2023, 29
  30. Paul Messad, “Anger as France Slashes Green Transition Budget by €1.4 Billion”, Euractiv, 21 February 2024, 30
  31. Kate Connolly, “German Heat Pump Rollout at Risk as Government Suspends Climate Subsidies”, The Guardian, 6 December 2023,; Meike Eijsberg and James Crisp, “Dutch Farmers Force Heat Pumps About-turn”, The Telegraph, 18 May 2024,
  32. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, “Heat Pumps – Emerging Trends in the Australian Market”, 2023, 32
  33. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, “Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners Sold in New Zealand”, 2024, 33
  34. Amber Rolt, “‘Encouraging': Heat Pumps Command Strong Satisfaction Among Users, Major Survey Finds”, Business Green, 30 May 2023,; Nesta, “Heat Pumps: A User Survey”, 23 May 2024,; Cool Products, “Heat Pumps Perform Successfully Across Europe – New Consumer Analysis”, 1 February 2022,; The Cadmus Group, “Residential ccASHP Building Electrification Study”, April 2022,; Clea Skopeliti and Jillian Ambrose, “Pump It Up: UK Householders on Ditching Their Gas Central Heating”, The Guardian, 12 May 2023, 34
  35. Euroheat and Power, “Large Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling Systems”, December 2022,; Theis Gjedsted [@TheisDG], “@burger_jaap Another Example from Frederiksberg, Denmark. Four Heat Pumps Will Generate Heat from Drinking Water (Lowering the Temperature from 10 to 6 Degrees) and Provide up to 40 GWh Heat (6 % of Heat Need for District Heating to +100.000 Local Residents): https://T.Co/PfPbnXH1wX”, Twitter/X, 24 March 2023,; Marija Maisch, “European Utilities Turning to Large Heat Pumps”, pv magazine International, 19 July 2023,
  36. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  37. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  38. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Berlin Considers Slashing Electricity Tax by 95% to Boost Heat Pump Uptake”, Euractiv, 20 September 2023, 38
  39. Duncan Gibb et al., “Coming in from the Cold: Heat Pump Efficiency at Low Temperatures”, Joule 7, no. 9 (September 11, 2023): 1939-1942,; Fiona Harvey, “Heat Pumps Twice as Efficient as Fossil Fuel Systems in Cold Weather, Study Finds”, The Guardian, 11 September 2023, 39
  40. Jan Rosenow, “Guest Post: How Heat Pumps Became a Nordic Success Story”, Carbon Brief, 2 October 2023, 40
  41. International Energy Agency Heat Pumping Technologies Technology Collaboration Programme. “Hybrid Heat Pumps – Final Report”, 2019. 41
  42. Carrier Global Corporation, “Carrier Announces Portfolio Transformation to Create Global Leader in Intelligent Climate and Energy Solutions”, 25 April 2023,; James Murray, “EDF Targets Heat Pump Market with CB Heating Acquisition”, Business Green, 13 November 2023, 42
  43. Cooling Post, “Aira Lands €86m Heat Pump Investment”, 22 October 2023,; Cooling Post, “Aira Is New Challenger in Heat Pump Market”, 18 June 2023, 43
  44. Franca Quecke, “Germany's Largest Heating Installer Terminates Sale of Gas Boilers, Focuses on Heat Pumps”, Clean Energy Wire, 22 February 2024, 44
  45. US Department of Energy, “Biden-Harris Administration Announces $63 Million to Accelerate Electric Heat Pump Manufacturing Across America as Part of Investing in America Agenda”, 14 February 2024, 45
  46. International Energy Agency, “Heat Pump Manufacturing Capacity by Country or Region According to Announced Projects and in the Net Zero Scenario”, 4 April 2023, 46
  47. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Europe's ‘Heat Pump Valley' Takes Root in the East”, Euractiv, 1 June 2023,; Cooling Post, “Bosch Commits over €1bn to Heat Pump Production”, 19 April 2023,; Cooling Post, “Bosch to Invest €100m in Portuguese Heat Pump Factory”, 3 November 2023,; Cooling Post, “Remeha Opens Largest Dutch Heat Pump Factory”, 30 August 2023,
  48. European Heat Pump Association, “Heat Pump Sales Fall by 5% While EU Delays Action”, 27 February 2024, 48
  49. Cooling Post, “Daikin Launches Heat Pump Installer Programme”, 30 November 2023,; Alison F. Takemura, “This New Training Program Will Put People to Work as Heat-Pump Installers”, Canary Media, 26 May 2023, 49
  50. International Renewable Energy Agency, “How Innovation in Heat Pumps Can Transform Heating and Cooling”, 15 August 2023, 50
  51. Eric Erdman, “What You Need to Know About the Refrigerant Transition”, HPAC Engineering, 23 April 2024,; Environmental Investigation Agency, “Ambition of Newly Revised EU F-Gas Regulation Heralds a New Era of Climate Innovation!” 5 October 2023,; Doug Raymond, “Regulatory Issues,” Spray Technology & Marketing, 1 March 2024,
  52. Cecilia Keating, “‘Heat Pumps for Everyone': Octopus Launches ‘Free' Heat Pump Package”, Business Green, 14 September 2023,; The Engineer, “Octopus Raises the Temperature with Cosy Heat Pump”, 15 September 2023,; Michael Holder, “OVO to Offer Heat Pumps at Lower Cost Than Gas Boilers”, Business Green, 3 October 2023, 52
  53. Cooling Post, “Midea Exceeds Cold Climate Challenge”, 16 October 2023,; Cooling Post, “Octopus Gives Heat Pumps a New Look”, 15 September 2023,; Gregory Han, “Blond Makes Sustainability More Sexy With Electric Air Heat Pump”, Design Milk, 12 December 2023,; Lior Kahana, “New Model to Predict Defrost Cycles, Behavior of Air-Sourced Heat Pumps in Cold Weather”, pv magazine International, 5 December 2023,; Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Four Key Hurdles for Would-Be Owners of Heat Pumps in Europe”, Euractiv, 8 June 2023,
  54. European Heat Pump Association, “In Which Countries Does the Electricity Price Work for Heat Pumps?” 31 May 2024, 54
  55. Cezara Missing and Kai Roger Lobo, “Heat Pump Ramp-up: Tackling the Installers Gap", Euractiv, 22 May 2024, 55
  56. Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, “Four Key Hurdles for Would-Be Owners of Heat Pumps in Europe”, Euractiv, 8 June 2023, 56
  57. Sally Caird, Robin Roy and Stephen Potter, “Domestic Heat Pumps in the UK: User Behaviour, Satisfaction and Performance", Energy Efficiency 5 (2012): 283-301,; Nesta, “Heat Pumps: A User Survey”, 23 May 2023,; Cool Products, “Heat Pumps Perform Successfully Across Europe – New Consumer Analysis”, 1 February 2022,; Amber Rolt, “‘Encouraging': Heat Pumps Command Strong Satisfaction Among Users, Major Survey Finds”, 30 May 2023, 57
  58. Snapshot United States from the following sources: Eversource, “Geothermal Pilot Project in Framingham”, accessed 7 June 2024,; Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, “Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Metrics”, accessed 7 June 2024,; Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, “Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050”, December 2022,; U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, “US Department of Energy Analysis Highlights Geothermal Heat Pumps as a Pathway to a Decarbonized Energy Future”, 6 December 2023,; Adele Peters, "First-of-a-kind U.S. Utility Pilots Community Geothermal to Cut Emissions and Bills", Energy Post, 19 July 2023, Nikki Bruno, “Geothermal Pilot in Framingham Could Be Key Decarbonization Answer”, CommonWealth Beacon, 6 February 2023,; Alyssa Bersine, “NREL Researchers Bring Technical Expertise to Communities Selected for Geothermal Heating and Cooling Initiative”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 26 July 2023,
  59. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,
  60. IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies, "Large-Scale Demand Response of Heat Pumps to Support the National Power System", 5 December 2023,
  61. International Energy Agency, “The Future of Heat Pumps”, 2022,