Data collection for GSR 2022 is starting!

Data collection for GSR 2022 is starting!

REN21’s annual Renewables Global Status Report is the most referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. The 2022 report will be published next June. REN21’s reports have drawn on contributions from over 2,000 individuals — this is an international, collaborative effort and we value your input.

Through our data collection process, you too can shape the renewable energy discussion. Join us.

Access the GSR 2022 data collection questionnaire

Data collection starts today, 24 November 2021. This year we have a newly designed and short online questionnaire. We welcome any level of contribution that you can make. Information is being collected on emerging renewable energy trends and developments, including innovative policy design, market advances, distributed renewables and new investments in renewables.

Do you want to contribute? Please note the following points:

  • Access the questionnaire here.
  • We know your time is precious. You may choose to only fill out the questions which best align with your knowledge or expertise. No contribution is too small!
  • Don’t forget to provide full sources for all information that you contribute. The GSR has become the most frequently referenced report on the status of renewable energy and clear referencing is essential to maintaining the integrity of the report.
  • Want to contribute but cannot access the online version? Reach out to us at and we are happy to provide an offline version.

What happens next?

The GSR is a collaborative project and participation will be possible along its production process – and beyond! The approximate timeline to produce the GSR is as follows:

  • 19 December 2021: deadline for open data collection input
  • Early 2022: follow-up communication as necessary to clarify questions and further fill data gaps
  • Spring 2022: Peer review of the full GSR draft – review the full draft and share your thoughts and feedback
  • June 2022: Launch of the GSR 2022 – participate in launch events and collaborate with us to spread the word!

As always, all contributors will be acknowledged in the final report. Should you have any questions or encounter any problems accessing GSR 2022 online questionnaire, please email us at Thank you in advance for your valuable contributions.

Share this with your colleagues

Do you know anyone else who should contribute? We also invite you to share the questionnaire with others who you believe may be a good fit for this project. We also invite you to share the news via social media (here is a Data Collection Media Kit), or with the communications team in the organisations you are connected with. We would love to engage people who are outside of our network to develop greater diversity, which strengthens the quality of the report.

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