Member News: July 2022

REN21 shares news from its members

REN21 Members are industry associations, governments, inter-governmental organisations, NGOs, and academic and scientific institutions. Members who wish to add their content to this kind of post should contact

Zambia Charts New Path for Powering Unelectrified Health Facilities with Solar to Improve Delivery of Essential Services

The Government of Zambia launched an Action Plan charting the way forward in providing reliable and affordable electricity to unserved health centers using solar to improve the quality of services offered to poor and vulnerable communities. Read more here.

Member: Power for All

2022 Clean Cooking Women Leaders Award: Call for Nominations

Applications for the 2022 Clean Cooking Women Leaders Award are open! CCA will recognize three individuals who are working to advance clean cooking solutions in emerging markets. Apply by August 14. Read more here.

Member: Clean Cooking Alliance

Registrations for the Clean Cooking Forum 2022 are open

The Clean Cooking Alliance and the Government of Ghana are thrilled to announce that registrations for the Clean Cooking Forum 2022 are now open. Taking place October 11-13 in Accra, the clean cooking ecosystem’s flagship event will convene global partners to accelerate access to clean cooking. Register for the Forum today! Early bird registration closes on September 1. Read more here.

Member: Clean Cooking Alliance

Renewables for Industries: a New Hub of Information and Experience

UNIDO recently revamped its Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator to include a hub of information and experience on the integration of renewable energy for industrial activity. Industrial organizations are beginning to integrate biomass, biogas, solar thermal systems, hydrogen and waste heat recovery technologies into their energy mix. Read more here.

Member: UNIDO

Power to the Roofs: New CAN Europe rooftop solar PV report

Read the Rooftop Solar PV Country Comparison Report produced by CAN Europe, with contributions from its members. It reveals the lack of clear policies and regulatory framework for rooftop solar PV expansion and the administrative, political, and economic barriers that are blocking the path to a just and renewable energy future. Read more here.

Member: CAN Europe

#WarmHomes4All: New Renewable Heating campaign webpage

The new Renewable Heating campaign webpage was launched on CAN Europe’s website back in June. The purpose of the campaign is to promote sustainable renewable heating solutions for all homes across Europe. Read more here.

Member: CAN Europe

Energy Efficiency: An overlooked solution to the energy crisis

Reducing our energy demand is the fastest and most direct way to increase our energy security, lower our energy bills, and help the world meet its climate change targets. WWF Global Energy Efficiency Lead Richard Scotney summarizes the areas of energy efficiency can make a huge impact in reducing energy demand. Read more here.

Member: WWF

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