Review the Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Status Report

Peer review for the Asia and the Pacific Renewable Energy Status Report 2019 starts today!

In the last few months, many of you have contributed to the report in a variety of ways, including data collection and interviews, thank you. We now welcome you to take part in this collaborative peer review process and provide your expert input on a draft of the final report.

Peer review can be accessed on REN21+. Please follow the instructions for the peer review tool here. Please feel free to focus on the sections most closely aligned with your specific knowledge and expertise. All reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report. Let us know if you have any questions, or encounter problems accessing the online peer review, by sending an email to

The report is a collective effort, bringing together many minds to inform on and showcase the most current range of renewable energy developments across the region. Your input will make a big difference to the final report.

Asia and the Pacific’s diversity (politically, economically, environmentally) and varied institutional capacity offers a huge market potential for renewable energy in the region. However, documenting the evolution and uptake of renewables in a timely manner is challenging. There is a need, therefore, to map the current range of renewable energy development across the region to showcase to stakeholders and decision-makers and investors, both within and outside the region, the potential of renewables. Interested contributions will be able to review the report and provide comments, helping to fill data gaps and strengthen the final result.

Vibhushree Hamirwasia, presenting the initial findings of the report at the ACEF 2019. Source: REN21.

Peer review ends at midnight CET, 9 August, 2019.

The report builds on the success and lessons learned in producing the Renewables Global Status Report and other REN21 regional status reports, to inform on the current status of renewable energy in the region, focusing on those countries where data is currently available.


The report is produced in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia-Pacific (UNESCAP). It will be a key input to the 8th International Renewable Energy Conference Seoul 2019 (KIREC – Seoul 2019), which will take place  23-25 October.

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