Press Release: To claim success, COP28 Must Deliver a Fair and equitable Renewable Energy and energy efficiency package

Wednesday 6 December, 2023

Press Release

To claim success, COP28 Must Deliver a Fair and equitable Renewable Energy and energy efficiency package

Dubai, UAE – A comprehensive fair and equitable renewable energy and energy efficiency package must make its way into the COP cover decision to deem the outcome of COP28 a success, said speakers from REN21 – Renewables Now, Botswana, Uruguay and CAN-International held at COP28.

This news conference organised jointly by the Government of Botswana and REN21 comes midway into COP and a few days after the announcement of a pledge signed by around 123 countries to triple renewable capacity and double energy efficiency improvements to 4% by 2030.

“This pledge is not enough,” said Rana Adib, REN21 Executive Director. “The ambition needs to make its way into the cover text of COP28 as a full package. It must not only reflect the target. It should also include clear pathways for implementation to achieve these goals and a fair, just, and equitable energy transition, reflecting the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and based on the different country situations,” said Adib.

The package would include fossil fuel phaseout, tripling renewable capacity, doubling energy efficiency, finance, equity, capacity building, and technology transfer.

Adib expressed astonishment that this is the first COP to witness momentum and opportunity to acknowledge renewable energy as the most recognised and affordable solution to the climate crisis.

“Renewables are the most recognised and affordable climate mitigation and adaptation solution. Yet they have been so far completely neglected in the UNFCCC process and absent from COP texts and decisions. It´s been 28 COPs and believe it or not, there still has been no mention of renewable energy and energy efficiency in this process. It is the right moment to leverage the momentum built throughout the year and with the recent renewable energy and energy efficiency pledge announcement” said Adib.

Vice President of Botswana Green Building Council Thandi Katlholo said that developing countries like Botswana are taking leadership. However, to achieve a just and fair transition, developing countries would need additional and significant support.

“Renewable energy is a global necessity but it means nothing if people cannot access it.

Developing countries like Botswana need COP28 to deliver a renewable energy package that includes finance, technology transfer and capacity building to support implementation and a just transition. Despite our challenges, the political will and enabling policy framework and regulations have been implemented. We have even adopted multi-stakeholder and inclusive approaches to effectively engage the private sector and communities including vulnerable groups and women,” said Katlholo.

Former Energy Secretary in Uruguay Ramon Mendez, who oversaw the transition of Uruguay to 98% of renewables in total final electricity consumption of the country emphasised that renewable energy and energy efficiency can cut emissions and achieve sustainable economic development. They also present an opportunity to create jobs, In Uruguay, renewable energy enabled the creation of 50,000 jobs

“Renewables are ready to deliver. They are a proven solution at the global level and can advance national interests with cost reductions, enhanced resilience, and job creation,” said Mendez.

Meanwhile, Senior Climate Science and Global Energy Policy Advisor Climate Action Network International Stephan Singer warned against “dangerous” distractions that might water down the ambition around renewable energy, energy efficiency and fossil fuel phaseout.

“While we welcome increased focus on phasing out fossil fuels and promoting more renewables in the negotiations, we are very concerned that by now 38 countries push the tripling of nuclear madness and almost the same countries do so for sweeping CO2 from fossil fuels under the carpet also known as CCS. CAN urges countries to push renewables and energy efficiency instead,” Singer said.


For more information, contact:

Hala Kilani, REN21

WhatsApp: 009613567928

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