Round 2 Peer Review for GSR 2020 is now live!

REN21’s annual Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) is the most referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. What you may not know is that producing the GSR is a collaborative effort, involving hundreds of stakeholders from our international community of experts.

Peer Review (round 2) for the Renewables 2020 Global Status Report (GSR 2020) began on 31 March! The process will run for two weeks until 12 April. This year’s GSR reflects our growing focus on renewable energy in the end-use sectors of buildings, industry and transport, and our 2020 feature chapter is on public support for renewables.

The review draft includes three GSR chapters and the feature chapter:

  • Global Overview
  • Market & Industry Trends
  • Distributed Renewables for Energy Access (DREA) – Market and Technologies
  • Feature Chapter: Public Support for Renewables

Plus sidebars and boxes:

  • Trade Policy, Trade Agreements and Renewables
  • Fossil Fuel Divestment Trends
  • Climate Finance and Renewable Energy

This round, we also invite you to review our data for this report. This includes our new policy table for electricity access, the renewable energy generation costs table and a joint distributed renewables for energy access data collection with our friends from IRENA.

The draft chapters and data collections can be accessed via our peer review tool, REN21+. Instructions for how to use this tool are here. Reviewers are invited to review the parts of the report which match with their expertise, no matter how big or small.

We really appreciate the time our reviewers set aside to contribute to the report! The GSR is a community effort, and your thoughts and feedback contribute to ensuring the report is robust.  As always, all reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report.

Have you got any photos?

Finally, we are always looking for new photos to include in GSR 2020 and to be used on our social media. If you have any photos of renewable energy projects, in your community or further afield, please send them to us! Don’t forget to include project details (e.g. name, type, capacity, location, developer) and copyright information for each picture. You can send the image and details to us at

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions!

Please note that this is the only opportunity you will have to comment on these specific chapters before the release of the final report.  

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