Global RENdez-vous: Renewable Energy, the Solution to Energy Security and Rising Prices

Renewables: The Solution to Energy Security and Rising Prices

Wednesday 27 April 2022 

Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Central Africa Time(14:00 – 15:30 CET Paris) 

Energy systems are interconnected and affect one another in complex ways. With the current crisis, the next several decades could see more periods of energy-driven inflation, shortages, and loss of economic growth, not to mention severe socio-political implications.  

Several of the current discussions and political discourses refer to alternate ways of securing fossil-energy or reducing energy demand. Renewables is the solution for a secure and affordable energy economy. 

This Global RENdez-Vous looked at the following questions:

  • Why are renewables not more prominent in the energy security arena now that it “makes economic sense”?  
  • Where are the renewables voices that push these messages?  
  • What arguments do we need to present to build this renewables-based solution? 
  • What needs to happen to help balance security, affordability and sustainability while meeting international climate goals? 

Watch the conversation below and get an invite to REN21-hosted events by subscribing to our newsletter.


Katarina Uherova Hasban, Enrupt
Tony Tiyou, Renewables in Africa
Jurgen Lorenz, JL Business and Technology Consultancy

What is a RENdez-vous?

REN21 hosts monthly Global RENdez-vous events, as well as regional mini-series, like the RENdez-vous Africa: Dialogue Series. All RENdez-vous events are online spaces where people come together to learn, inspire and connect around the role of renewable energy in accelerating progress towards global climate and sustainable development goals.

At its core is a spirit of breaking down silos and engaging in difficult topics. While each event is unique, one thing remains consistent: at every RENdez-vous there is time to meet and network with people from both the renewables and related communities.

Find more information about our RENdez-vous here.

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