Renewables 2024 Global Status Report – Energy Demand module

Renewable energies are facing an uphill battle in all the major energy consuming sectors, reveals the Energy Demand Module of the Renewables 2024 Global Status Report.

The Energy Demand Module, released on 30 May, outlines key trends on the status of renewables in different energy demand sectors with dedicated chapters on buildings, industry, transport and agriculture sectors.

Renewable energy adoption in the energy-consuming sectors is stalling, despite a strong appetite for renewables, due to a lack of strategic integrated planning, inconsistent policies, and a lack of structural reforms, shows the newly released Renewable in Energy Demand module of the Renewables 2024 Global Status Report.

Without transitioning these key sectors, phasing out fossil fuels is impossible.

Highlights from the Energy Demand module

The module highlights the dismal increase in renewable energy uptake in the energy-consuming sectors. In 2021, renewable energy rose to 15.9% in building (up 0.4%), and to 16.5% in agriculture (up 1%), while industry stagnated at 16.8%. The share of renewables in transport decreased from 4.1% in 2020 to 3.9% in 2021 due to increased demand being met by fossil fuels.

Dive into the Renewables 2024 Global Status Report

Since 2023, REN21 has been releasing the Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) as a collection of modules to rigorously cover the energy system from its different elements, including demand, supply, systems and infrastructure, and economic and social value creation.

This Energy Demand Module follows the first module of the GSR 2024 series – the Global Overview – launched in April, which provides the status picture of renewables in the wider energy system and in the context of global challenges such as climate change, development goals, and the geopolitical landscape.

The upcoming Modules will explore different aspects of the energy system, including supply; systems and infrastructure; and economic and social value creation.

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