Spain is next IREC host: February 2023

Spain is next IREC host: February 2023

The International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) is one of REN21’s most important events. Organised by REN21 and the Government of Spain, the next IREC will be held together with GENERA 2023, Spain’s annual, international Energy and Environment Fair.

Dedicated exclusively to the sustainable energy transition, IREC is a high-level political conference series that acts as a common platform for government, private sector and civil society leaders to jointly address how to drive renewable energy uptake. The focus is on building collective know-how to advance renewables at the international, national, and sub-national levels.

IREC 2023 will take place in Madrid (Spain) 2022 February 2023

IREC Registration will open mid-year. 

Read the press release below for more information.

Press release: Spain to host next International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) in 2023

The Government of Spain has teamed up with REN21 – the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century – to organise the next International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) in Madrid from 20th to 22nd February 2023, through IDAE (The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving), a public business entity attached to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD), through the Secretary of State for Energy.

Dedicated exclusively to the sustainable energy transition, IREC is a high-level political conference series that acts as a common platform for government, private sector and civil society leaders to jointly address how to drive renewable energy uptake. This outstanding high-level conference on renewable energy will bring together more than 60 high level representatives including Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Ministers and other high-level authorities.  The IREC is also the opportunity to demonstrate Spanish leadership in renewable energy uptake.

Ms. Teresa Ribera, Vice President and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge of Spain, stated: “I am very pleased that Spain will be hosting the next IREC. The IREC is a unique opportunity to accelerate the energy transition and drive the uptake of renewables. Creating the necessary acceptance requires a multi-stakeholder dialogue to drive it. It also requires bridging the gap between the energy supply and demand sides”.

“Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan mandates that 40% of funds must contribute to fight against climate change, and that a 100% of funding must meet ‘DO NOT SIGNIFICANT HARM’ principles. Over 10.000 million euros have been allocated to actions directly related to the energy transition to-date.  Spain is therefore well placed to host such an event and we are honoured to partner with REN21 in this endeavour”.

Dr. Arthouros Zervos, President of REN21, added: “Energy is deeply embedded in the larger structures of our societies and economies, meaning that players have diverse energy needs and can benefit from renewables in different ways. These benefits need to be at the heart when defining the energy future. This approach is necessary to build up societal and market acceptance, and, through this, political acceptance.  The IREC supports this process by bring together a wide cross-section of players to discuss and exchange on how renewable energy can support broader sustainability objectives”.

The conference’s focus of an international exchange across all stakeholders and topics provides a unique approach to deepening and broadening the conversation about how to achieve an energy system that supports sustainable development and climate objectives: moving from social acceptance to citizen’s participation, providing the needed qualified human resources, geopolitics of critical minerals, maximising industrialisation opportunities and the development of a robust green hydrogen chain, to mention a few.

Spain has also become a destination of choice for international meetings and events organizers with more than 1.000 attendees and has demonstrated strong commitment on advancing the green energy transition by being the co-host of the 25th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 25), which took place in 2019.


IDAE: A key player in the energy transition  

IDAE (The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving) is a public business entity attached to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD), through the Secretary of State for Energy, has become one of the main players in the implementation of the energy transition in Spain. Its work is focused on contributing to the achievement of the milestones that Spain has acquired in terms of improving energy efficiency, renewable energies and other low-carbon technologies


REN21: Building the sustainable energy future  

REN21 is the only global renewable energy community of actors from science, governments, NGOs and industry. We provide up-to-date and peer-reviewed facts, figures and analysis of global developments in technology, policies and markets. Our goal: enable decision-makers to make the shift to renewable energy happen – now. REN21’s vision is to create an enabling environment to support renewables: REN21 offers a platform for a variety of stakeholders to engage and collaborate. Armed with knowledge and tools, supported by a culture of dialogue and debate, and augmented by new ecosystems, this community of change strategically drives the deep transformations needed to make renewables the norm.


GENERA: The Spanish annual energy and environment Fair  

IREC will take place together with GENERA, Spain’s international annual Energy and Environment Fair. The 24th edition (November 2020) saw the attendance of 30,000 professionals, 8.5% more than in its previous call in 2019. The Fair had 5.6% of foreign visitors from 54 countries, and 49% of the 498 participating companies – including 211 direct exhibitors from 27 countries.


Further information:

Contact at REN21  Yasmine Abd El +201066256652


Contact at IDAE Beatriz García Calvo  +34 689 681 086

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