Webinars, webinars, webinars

June is a month full of exciting news for REN21. We’ve launched the Renewables 2019 Global Status Report (GSR); now we have the chance to invite our community to join us in one of the three webinars where participants have the chance to learn about the key findings of the report and engage with the REN21 team to ask any question about what is in the report. We are always happy to exchange ideas and discuss, so hurry up and register for one of the following webinars.

The Global Renewable Energy Transition: Who is leading?
Europe, 18 June, 15:00 Paris (CEST)
Asia, 19 June, 11:00 Manila (PHT)

Partnering with the Clean Energy Solutions Center, these two webinars will present the main key findings of the newly launched GSR report. The 18 June webinar will focus on what is happening in Europe, the other one (19 June) on developments in Asia. Both webinars will look at the global trends of renewable energy. Each presentation will cover the challenges each region faces, and the role that ambitious and integrated policy plays to enable an increasing share of renewables in the energy transformation. Register here for the European or the Asian webinar.

Presenting: The Global Status Report of Renewables – REN21’s 2019 GSR Report
June 26, 15:00 Paris (CEST)

Co-hosted with International Solar Energy Society, our Project Manager and Analyst, Duncan Gibb, will give an overview of the 2019 GSR, setting the ground for introducing the leading role solar has had in the renewable energy uptake during 2018.  The webinar will also showcase the developments and policies implemented worldwide. For more information, click here.

The GSR is an annual publication which looks at the developments and trends in the renewable energy system and analyzes by markets, investments, and policies worldwide. This year´s report looks at what happened over the course of 2018 and was released in simultaneously in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, during the week of 17 June. Each edition of the GSR is built on data and up-to-date information provided by our network of more than 900 contributors world-wide. Collectively, the information is used to shape debates to push thinking and actions on renewable energy.

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