Strategic Intelligence and Renewable Energy Leadership

REN21 Secretariat


If we want to mainstream renewable energy, we need to look outside of the renewable energy bubble. This means working diverse players. It means illustrating how renewable energy can support broader development and climate objectives. It means identifying those ambassadors and leaders who can catalyse action and drive ambition. To achieve the above we need to be more influential and strategic in its activities.  

REN21’s strategic intelligence activities works to change perceptions about renewables by strategically positioning renewable energy in the development and climate discussions and to strengthen a global, cross-sectoral renewable energy voice. This means:  

  • Strategically building on and engaging with a diversity of decision makers, eco-systems, and perspectives, promoting regional and sectoral perspectives.
  • Strengthening and amplifying the renewable energy voice(s) to increase its collective influence in societal debates, decision-making, and decisions.
  • Changing perception, changing how the public and decision-makers think – or ‘feel’ – about renewable energy 


What started as the Renewable Energy Task Force (RETF) in May 2020, has now evolved into its work on strategic intelligence and renewable energy leadership. The three components of this work are:   

1. Understanding Who is Doing What  

REN21 has developed an Artificial Intelligence- powered Influence Mapping Tool in partnership with The Stakeholder Company (TSC). This tool organises and analyses publicly available information to: 

  • Map stakeholders within and beyond renewables 
  • Identify entry points to mainstream renewables messaging in public discourse 
  • Share actionable intelligence with our members to position themselves better 

The idea is to demonstrate to stakeholders, regardless of governance level, that renewables can support broader development and climate goals. We are constantly working with our community to harness both artificial and human intelligence to strengthen the influence-mapping tool’s taxonomy and produce actionable insights in the form of dashboards, newsletters, and intelligence briefs.  

Complete this Expression of Interest form if you would like to be a part of this activity.

2. Convening and Community Building

We map connections between people and interdependencies between issues to build-up a cross-sectoral community. Building bridges between diverse communities helps to address blind spots and biases.  The result is a better mutual understanding about the “what,” “why” and “how” around mainstreaming renewable energy. These communities are diverse in structure and focus, ranging from renewable energy to end-use sectors, and from local to global in scale.  

REN21 brings the renewable energy and non-energy communities together under the RENdez-vous series: an online interactive space where community can share knowledge, learn new information and build their own networks.  

3. Building Renewable Energy Leadership 

Mainstreaming renewable energy means change management and leadership skill sets in addition to an expertise in energy. Broadening the ownership for the energy transition means building new alliances; with those inside the energy ecosystem, but also with non-energy players. We want to engage with champions, ambassadors, changemakers and support them in their efforts to advocate for renewable energy in a way that is suited to their local realities. 

REN21 highlights different voices build regional leadership of renewable energy players/champions across different geographies – be it Africa, Asia, or South America. 


Latest Strategic Intelligence Brief: Lead up to COP28 and beyond 

In preparation for COP28, REN21 leveraged strategic intelligence tools to provide valuable insights on how renewables, fossil fuels, fossil gas, hydrogen, and nuclear are being talked about in the lead-up to COP28. The brief includes information on the latest emerging debates and highlights involving these topics, some significant outcomes that are foreseen from COP28, countries where discussions around renewables and fossil fuels are emerging, and the most mentioned stakeholders. The brief offers both a global overview of the matter as well as regional focuses (North America, Central & South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and APAC).

After COP28, REN21 produced a brief that outlines the main highlights, media trends, and debates gathered from tracking coverage during and after the climate conference in Dubai. The data analysis includes specific issues around renewables vs. other energy sources, as well as keywords that stood out from COP28 across regions and sectors.

Download the Lead up to COP28 brief here.

Download the After COP28 brief here.


REN21’s activities around Strategic Intelligence and Renewables Leadership are evolving. Please complete this Expression of Interest form if you are interested in contributing.  

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