Market Developments

Globally, the agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sectors have adopted a wide range of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, including solar PV and solar thermal, geothermal, hydropower and bioenergy.

Solar PV applications offer some of the most developed off-grid solutions for productive uses of energy, from both a technical and a business perspective. 65 Solar water pumps for irrigation have huge potential for smallholder operations, and most farmers that have adopted them report an increase in productivity. 66 In 2021, solar pumping capacity totalled
654 MW, led by India (588 MW) and Bangladesh (48 MW) followed by Rwanda (3.3 MW) and Yemen (2.3 MW). 67 In Niger, a project launched in October 2021 is helping farmers install a total of 4.6 MW of solar water pumping capacity to improve irrigation systems. 68

Development partners and donors have supported renewable cooling technologies for the cold chain to keep produce fresh, helping to reduce post-harvest losses and expand the market reach of farmers. 69 In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, farmers in India, Kenya, Nigeria and Rwanda have started using large-scale, solar-powered cold rooms, which help make cooling more affordable. 70 (See Snapshot: India) Expanding access to solar water pumps and cold storage technologies could improve the livelihoods of around 22 million smallholder farmers across India and sub-Saharan Africa. 71 The use of solar thermal for cooling, refrigeration and food drying in agriculture has remained limited. 72

Electricity generated from agrivoltaics has been used to directly power irrigation pumps and refrigeration as well as processing equipment for agricultural products. 73 The global installed agrivoltaic power capacity surged from around 5 MW peak in 2012 to more than 14 GW peak in 2021, supported in part by national funding programmes in Japan (since 2013), China (since 2014), France (since 2017), the United States (since 2018) and most recently the Republic of Korea. 74 Pilot projects are ongoing to determine the optimal use of the electricity generated. 75

In fisheries and aquaculture, solar PV systems are being used to charge vessel motors, power aquaculture equipment (such as feeders, pumps, aerators and security lighting) and run processing, ice-making, refrigeration and cold storage appliances, including during transport and retail. 76 German and Vietnamese partners have developed an aquaculture photovoltaics (aqua-PV) project to install PV panels above shrimp farming ponds in Vietnam, using the electricity generated on-site to power the aquaculture systems. 77 The aim is to assess the technical and economic feasibility of the concept after studies showed that aqua-PV nearly doubles land-use efficiency. 78 In Norway, two new commercial-scale floating solar PV projects are generating electricity to power fish farms off the coast. 79

Geothermal energy allows farmers to grow crops in difficult environments and to increase food availability and yields through greenhouse and soil heating, food drying, sterilisation, refrigeration, milk pasteurisation and irrigation. 80 By the end of 2022, around 31 countries – including Iceland and the Netherlands as well as emerging economies such as Algeria and Tunisia – were using geothermal greenhouse heating to grow vegetables and fruits as well as flowers, houseplants and tree seedlings. 81 In addition, some 21 countries use geothermal energy to heat water in aquaculture ponds and to support fish drying. 82 In 2019, around 2% of the geothermal energy used globally was for aquaculture. 83


Solar-powered Cold Storage to Reduce Food Waste

Food waste has been a major issue in India due to the lack of cold storage and food processing facilities. As of 2022, an estimated 40% of the food produced in the country was wasted. Rural farmers often are forced to sell perishable items as quickly as possible before they become overripe. Extreme weather caused by climate change is putting farmers in an even more difficult situation.

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Solar-powered Cold Storage to Reduce Food Waste

Food waste has been a major issue in India due to the lack of cold storage and food processing facilities. As of 2022, an estimated 40% of the food produced in the country was wasted. Rural farmers often are forced to sell perishable items as quickly as possible before they become overripe. Extreme weather caused by climate change is putting farmers in an even more difficult situation.

A solar cold storage project implemented by the Science, Technology & Innovation Council in India's Mizoram state has benefited farmers in the village of Kawnzar. The project uses solar PV and ice battery technology to convert water into ice within six hours. The cold storage allows farmers to stock up to 10 tonnes of food, enabling them to store their harvest for longer time periods instead of being forced to sell it cheaply or discard it. The USD 27,100 project, funded by India's Department of Science & Technology, has helped increase the incomes of small-scale farmers while also supporting the adoption of renewables in the agriculture sector. The project falls in line with the country's target to install 500 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2030.

Similar cold storage systems have been installed throughout India by different companies, including Ecozen, Inficold and Oorja Development Solutions. This activity is expected to scale up further, and solar energy also is being used in food processing such as drying perishable goods, thereby improving the lives of local farmers.


Source: See endnote 70 for this module.

In agriculture and aquaculture, farmers use hydropower mainly at the micro scale as an alternative to diesel to power agro-processing activities. 84 In Sierra Leone, a 250 kilowatt hydro-based mini-grid provides electricity to run a palm oil pressing plant, and in Nepal micro-hydropower plants power local mills, replacing labour-intensive manual processing and allowing other income-generating activities. 85 Micro-hydropower systems also are used to provide clean electricity for aquaculture. 86

Bioenergy accounts for 5.4% of the total energy consumption in agriculture, where it is used to produce heat and electricity for farm use, processing and storage. 87 Between 2010 and 2020, the use of biogas in agriculture doubled, while the use of liquid biofuels grew 9.4 times. 88 In Vietnam, thousands of biogas digesters transform livestock manure into biogas to power income-generating food production activities. 89 In Africa, farmers have adopted biogas digesters in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda, among other countries. 90

Improving the energy efficiency of food cold chains – including through the use of fridge insulation, efficient compressors and better controllers – has helped reduce energy use. 91 Additionally, some companies have developed and introduced models for “cooling-as-a-service”. 92 In Africa, a project launched in The Gambia in 2022 aims to provide vulnerable fishing communities with fuel-efficient biomass ovens for fish smoking, to help reduce air pollution and its health impacts among fishers. 93 In some fisheries, intermediate fuel oils i are being substituted for marine diesel oil to reduce fuel costs. 94

21 countries use geothermal energy to heat water in aquaculture ponds and to support fish drying.


i These fuel oils are classified and named according to their viscosity and typically reduce fuel consumption costs. The most common oils used for inboard fishing vessel engines are IFO 180 and IFO 380. See endnote 94 for this module.

  1. World Bank, “Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, Value Added (% of GDP),”, accessed December 16, 2022.1
  2. International Labour Organisation (ILO), “Employment Rate in Agriculture, World,” Data Finder – World Employment and Social Outlook,, accessed December 16, 2022.2
  3. ILO, “Employment Rate in Agriculture, by Region,” Data Finder – World Employment and Social Outlook,, accessed December 16, 2022.3
  4. Ibid.4
  5. International Energy Agency (IEA), “World Energy Balances 2020: Extended Energy Balances,” August 2022,, all rights reserved, as modified by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21).5
  6. Based on IEA data, op. cit. note 5.6
  7. European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, “Energy Efficiency,”, accessed December 23, 2022.7
  8. European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, “2022 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet: The Sector Is Affected by High Fuel Prices in the Wake of the War in Ukraine,” October 11, 2022,
  9. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), “FAOSTAT,”, accessed January 10, 2023.9
  10. Ibid. The dimensionless conversion factors used are: GWP-CH4 = 21 and GWP-N2O = 310 (100-year time horizon global warming potential), from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “SAR Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change,” 1995, Table 4,
  11. Ibid.11
  12. Figure 14 from IEA data, op. cit. note 5.12
  13. Ibid.13
  14. Ibid.14
  15. Ibid.15
  16. Ibid.16
  17. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and FAO, “Renewable Energy for Agri-Food Systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement,” 2021,
  18. R. Van Anrooy et al., “Review of the Techno-Economic Performance of the Main Global Fishing Fleets,” FAO, 2021, 18
  19. IRENA, “Renewable Energy for Agri-Food Systems: How Cross-Sector Partnerships Are Driving Action and Investments,” November 12, 2022,
  20. IRENA and FAO, “Renewable Energy and Agri-Food Systems: Advancing Energy and Food Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals,” 2021, 20
  21. Ibid..21
  22. Lighting Global, “Market Research on Productive Use Leveraging Solar Energy (PULSE),” September 23, 2019,
  23. IRENA, “Accelerating Geothermal Heat Adoption in the Agri-Food Sector,” January 2019,
  24. IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 17.24
  25. European Environmental Bureau, “Beyond Net-Zero Emission in Agriculture: Creating an Enabling Climate Governance for Agriculture,” July 5, 2021,
  26. IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 17. 26
  27. REN21 Policy Database. See Reference Table R4 in the GSR 2023 Data Pack,
  28. Mint, “Renewable Energy to Replace Diesel in Agriculture by 2024, Says Govt,” February 12, 2022,
  29. REN21 Policy Database, op. cit. note 27. 29
  30. Figure 15 from Ibid.30
  31. Ibid.31
  32. Outlook, “Government Extends PM-KUSUM Scheme Till March 2026 as Covid Affects Implementation,” February 2, 2023,; N. Pasupalati et al., “Learnings for Tamil Nadu from Grid-Connected Agricultural Solar Photovoltaic Schemes in India,” World Resources Institute, February 15, 2022,
  33. A. Kumar and D. Mohapatra, “Fuelling India's Future with Bioenergy,” PwC, January 25, 2023,
  34. L. Concessao and H. Meenawat, “Distributed Renewable Energy Applications Have a New and Encouraging Framework; Applying It on Ground Is Crucial for Success,” ET EnergyWorld, May 9, 2022,; IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 20.34
  35. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), “Agrivoltaics: Opportunities for Agriculture and the Energy Transition,” April 2022,; H. Aposporis, “Greece Passes Renewables Law Targeting 15 GW in New Capacity by 2030,” Balkan Green Energy News, June 30, 2022,
  36. A. Bhambhani, “Turkey Facilitates Solar for Irrigation Systems,” Taiyang News, August 3, 2022,
  37. Rockefeller Foundation, “REA Launches New Program to Boost GDP, Accelerate Renewable Energy and Unlock Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria,” March 31, 2022,
  38. Fraunhofer ISE, “Agrivoltaics,”, accessed January 3, 2023. .38
  39. J. Jacobo, “Italy to Allocate US$1.5 Billion for 375MW of Agrivoltaics,” PV Tech, August 29, 2022,
  40. Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, “Guidelines for Agrivoltaics,” June 2022,; E. Bellini, “France Defines Standards for Agrivoltaics,” pv magazine, April 28, 2022,; E. Bellini, “Historical Court Ruling for Agrivoltaics in Italy,” pv magazine, June 27, 2022,
  41. A. Fischer, “US Government Allocates $8 Million to Support Agrivoltaics,” pv magazine, December 15, 2022,
  42. Fraunhofer ISE, op. cit. note 38; US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), “Agrivoltaics,”, accessed January 3, 2023; NREL, “Benefits of Agrivoltaics Across the Food-Energy-Water Nexus,” September 11, 2019, 42
  43. Fraunhofer ISE, op. cit. note 35.43
  44. J. Dahm and N. Kurmayer, “Germany to Boost Renewables in Agriculture, Link Moorlands with Solar Panels,” Euractiv, February 11, 2022,
  45. Franhaufer ISE, op. cit. note 35. 45
  46. H. Horton, “Ministers Hope to Ban Solar Projects from Most English Farms,” The Guardian (UK), October 10, 2022,
  47. IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 20.47
  48. Ibid.48
  49. Ibid.49
  50. Acumen, “Acumen Launches a $25 Million Investment Initiative to Power Livelihoods with Clean Energy,” July 12, 2022,
  51. F. Agbejule, M. Mattern and J. Mensah, “Savings at the Pump: Financing Solar Irrigation to Support Rural Women,” CGAP, March 22, 2022,
  52. Interreg Europe, “Romania: New Financing for Renewables in Agriculture,” April 15, 2021,
  53. M. Raji, personal communication with REN21, February 1, 2023.53
  54. US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, “Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants,” January 5, 2015,
  55. IRENA, op. cit. note 19. 55
  56. A. Rosell, “Zero CAPEX Solar Heat for Mexican Industry,” Solar Thermal World, March 18, 2022,
  57. A. Rosell, “Solar Heat for Multinational Agribusinesses Under Way,” Solar Thermal World, November 10, 2022, 57
  58. B. Epp, “10 MW Solar Plant Heats Air for Malting Plant in France,” Solar Thermal World, September 28, 2021,
  59. B. Epp, “Innovation Fund Approves EUR 4.5 Million for Croatian SHIP Plant,” Solar Thermal World, September 16, 2021,
  60. A. Rosell, “Heat Purchase Agreements on the Rise in Spain,” Solar Thermal World, August 10, 2022,
  61. S. Schindele et al., “Implementation of Agrophotovoltaics: Techno-Economic Analysis of the Price-Performance Ratio and Its Policy Implications,” Applied Energy, Vol. 265, 1 May 2020, p. 114737,
  62. Blind Creek Solar Farm, “About Blind Creek Solar Farm,”, accessed February 12, 2023; Clean Energy Finance Corporation, “NSW Regenerative Agriculture Boosted with Solar and Storage,” July 2022,
  63. M. Van Nguyen et al., “Uses of Geothermal Energy in Food and Agriculture: Opportunities for Developing Countries,” FAO, January 1, 2014,
  64. R. McRae, “$10m Investment in Geothermal Direct Use in Balikesir, Sindirgi, Turkey,” ThinkGeoEnergy, December 8, 2021,; C. Cariaga, “Grant Awarded for Geothermal Greenhouse Installation in Eskisehir, Turkiye,” ThinkGeoEnergy, October 14, 2022,
  65. US Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, “2013 Market Trends Report,” January 1, 2014, 65
  66. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), “Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: Outlook,” October 17, 2022,
  67. IRENA, “Off-Grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2022,” December 2022,
  68. Green Climate Fund, “Hydro-Agricultural Development with Smart Agriculture Practices Resilient to Climate Change in Niger,” October 7, 2021,
  69. ESMAP, op. cit. note 66; IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 20. 69
  70. Efficiency for Access, “Solar Appliance Technology Brief: Walk-in Cold Rooms,” July 2021,; ESMAP, op. cit. note 66. Snapshot: India based on the following sources: B. Moushumi, “Indian Farmers Turn to Solar-Powered Fridges to Reduce Food Waste,”, December 5, 2022,; “Food Wastage in India: A Concern,” Eastern Mirror, October 25, 2022,; F. Birol and A. Kant, “India's Clean Energy Transition Is Rapidly Underway, Benefiting the Entire World,” IEA, January 10, 2022,; H. Lalramenga, “Deputy CM Hmalaknain Khawzawlah Solar Cold Storage Bun Dt. 21.12.2021,” DC Khawzawl, December 22, 2021,
  71. ESMAP, op. cit. note 66.71
  72. Based on IEA data, op. cit. note 5.72
  73. Fraunhofer ISE, op. cit. note 35.73
  74. Fraunhofer ISE, op. cit. note 38.74
  75. Fraunhofer ISE, op. cit. note 35.75
  76. FAO, “The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. Towards Blue Transformation,” 2022, 76
  77. CLIENT II, “SHRIMPS – Solar-Aquaculture Habitats as Resource-Efficient and Integrated Multilayer Production Systems,”, accessed January 4, 2023.77
  78. Ibid.78
  79. B. Santos, “Floating Solar Tech for Aquaculture,” pv magazine, January 4, 2023,
  80. IRENA, “Accelerating Geothermal Heat Adoption in the Agri-Food Sector,” January 2019,
  81. Ibid. 81
  82. Ibid; FAO, op. cit. note 76.82
  83. IRENA, op. cit. note 80.83
  84. IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 20.84
  85. Ibid.85
  86. FAO, op. cit. note 76.86
  87. Based on IEA data, op. cit. note 5.87
  88. Ibid.88
  89. IRENA and FAO, op. cit. note 20.89
  90. Ibid.90
  91. Ibid.91
  92. Ibid.92
  93. Green Climate Fund, “Climate Resilient Fishery Initiative for Livelihood Improvement in the Gambia (PROREFISH Gambia),” July 20, 2022,
  94. R. Van Anrooy et al., op. cit. note 18.94
  95. C. Carletto, “Better Data, Higher Impact: Improving Agricultural Data Systems for Societal Change,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 48, No. 4, September 2021, 719-740, 95
  96. D. Mohapatra et al., “Decentralised Renewable Energy Innovations to Boost Agri-Sector Productivity & Address Global Food System Challenges,” Alliance for Rural Electrification, January 2021,