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ECOWAS Status Report

| 24 FIGURE 6 | Oil Reserves, Refinery Output and Consumption in ECOWAS Member States, 2014 Source: see endnote 42 and 43 for this section. Côte d’Ivoire 55.9 64.7 101.3 242.2 27.5 36.6 22.1 15.1 Ghana SenegalNigeria REFINERY OUTPUT TOTAL (THOUSAND BARRELS PER DAY) CONSUMPTION TOTAL (THOUSAND BARRELS PER DAY) Côte d’Ivoire Benin Ghana Niger Nigeria 0.01 0.1 0.66 0.15 37.2 (BILLION BARRELS) PROVEN RESERVES FIGURE 5 | Share of ECOWAS Population Without Access to Electricity, 2010 Source: ECREEE, IEA, World Bank Nigeria 48% Benin 4% Liberia 2% Côte d’Ivoire 4% Togo 3% Sierra Leone 3% Cabo Verde 0% of population without access Senegal 3% Guinea-Bissau 3% The Gambia 1% Burkina Faso 8% Niger 8% Mali 8% Guinea 5% Ghana 4% Total ECOWAS population without access to electricity: 172,789,489 55.964.7

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