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ECOWAS Status Report - Renewable Energy in the Power Sector

RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY STATUS REPORT 2014 | 31 RENEWABLE ENERGY MARKET AND INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 02 TABLE 4 | Fuels Used for Cooking in ECOWAS Member States, 2010 Source: see endnote 4 for this section. Globally, about 78% of people relying on solid fuels for cooking live in rural areas.5 This trend holds true in the ECOWAS region, where in every Member State, the shares of people in rural areas relying on solid fuels either equal or exceed those in urban areas.6 Even so, most people in urban environments also rely on solid fuels, which represent the primary energy source for urban cooking in all Member States except Cabo Verde, Nigeria, and Senegal. In the ECOWAS region as a whole, wood represents the predominant cooking fuel, followed by charcoal. Common technologies for wood users remain the traditional “three-stone” fire or other conventional cooking stoves, while the majority of charcoal users rely on conventional metal charcoal stoves.7 Efficient cook stoves, gas, and electricity represent options to expand access to clean cooking fuels while reducing or avoiding the environmental and social costs associated with dependence on traditional biomass. As of early 2014, reliable data on efficient cook stove penetration is not available for all ECOWAS Member States. However, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves reports population shares using improved biomass cook stoves from 2.1% in Burkina Faso to 20% in the Gambia.8 (See Figure 9.) Worldwide, SE4ALL expects the number of people relying on more efficient solid fuel cook stoves to grow as governments and donors continue to promote them as relatively low-cost and accessible solutions.9 (See Section 3 for a discussion of regional programmes and initiatives to promote efficient cook stove technologies.) RENEWABLE ENERGY MARKET AND INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 02 Share of Population Using Solid Fuels for Cooking Fuels Used for Cooking, by Share of Population TOTAL URBAN RURAL WOOD DUNG CHARCOAL COAL KEROSENE GAS ELECTRICITY OTHER % % % Benin 94 87.7 97.2 72.2 0 21.1 0 1.9 3.7 0 1 Burkina Faso 95 81.8 99.2 88.5 0 4.3 0 0.4 6.3 0.1 0.4 Cabo Verde 31 11.9 72.5 35.1 0 0 0 0 62.5 0 2.4 Côte d’Ivoire 79 64.2 >95 66.3 0 19.6 0 0 13.7 0.1 0.3 The Gambia 95 91.1 >95 78 0 12.8 0.1 0.2 4.6 0.1 4.2 Ghana 84 74.3 >95 50.8 0 34.8 0 0.6 10.4 0.1 3.3 Guinea 96 >95 >95 76 0 23 0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 Guinea-Bissau 98 >95 >95 69 0 29.3 0 0 0.6 0.6 0.5 Liberia 98 >95 >95 58.9 0 40.5 0 0 0 0 0.6 Mali 98 >95 >95 82.6 2 14.5 0 0 0.2 0 0.7 Niger 94 >95 >95 94.2 2 2.8 0 0 0.7 0.2 0.1 Nigeria 75 40.4 91.6 72.3 0.5 2.2 0.1 23 1 0.3 0.6 Senegal 56 17.4 85.9 47.7 0.6 7.8 0 0 41.1 0 2.8 Sierra Leone 98 >95 >95 85.2 0 13.8 0 0.7 0.1 0 0.2 Togo 95 >95 >95 54 0 43.8 0 0.5 1.2 0.1 0.4 Benin 9487.797.272.2021.101.93.701 Burkina Faso 9581.899.288.504.300. Cabo Verde 3111.972.535.1000062.502.4 Côte d’Ivoire 7964.2 >9566.3019.60013.70.10.3 The Gambia 9591.1 >9578012. Ghana 8474.3 >9550.8034.800.610.40.13.3 Guinea 96 >95 >957602300. Guinea-Bissau 98 >95 >9569029.3000.60.60.5 Liberia 98 >95 >9558.9040.500000.6 Mali 98 >95 >9582.6214.5000.200.7 Niger 94 >95 >9594.222.8000.70.20.1 Nigeria 7540.491.672. Senegal 5617.485.947.70.67.80041.102.8 Sierra Leone 98 >95 >9585.2013.800.70.100.2 Togo 95 >95 >9554043.800.

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