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ECOWAS Status Report

| 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Conclusion Endnotes List of Abbreviations Glossary 68 69 79 80 01 REGIONAL INTRODUCTION 05 INVESTMENT 02 RENEWABLE ENERGY MARKET AND INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 04 POLICY AND TARGET OVERVIEW 03 ENERGY EFFICIENCY Objective of the Report Regional Overview Regional Energy Challenges Platforms For Regional Energy Cooperation 16 17 18 24 27 28 30 32 34 35 43 44 45 47 48 52 53 55 59 60 Final Energy Consumption Cooking Renewable Energy in the Power Sector Hydropower Wind Solar Introduction Energy Efficiency in Electricity Supply Promotion of Energy-Efficient Lighting Energy Efficiency in Cooking Energy Efficiency in Buildings Introduction Sustainable Energy Access Renewable Energy Sector Specific Targets Energy Efficiency Global Overview Renewable Energy Pipeline Regional Financing Sources 64 64 65 Foreword Acknowledgments Executive Summary 03 06 10 REPORT CITATION REN21, 2014, ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report (Paris: REN21 Secretariat) ISBN 978-3-9815934-2-6

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