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ECOWAS Status Report

| 42 Mini-grids are a tool to provide cost-effective, reliable electricity service to populations not served by the current grid infrastructure. Mini-grids can be developed around a number of business models and power generation options, and are increasingly incorporating renewable generators—mainly solar PV, wind, and small-hydro— into their design.139 (See Sidebar 2.) Hybrid mini-grid systems combining multiple renewable energy technologies or renewable and fossil fuel generation are also featured across the region. In July 2014, ECREEE completed a survey of mini-grid initiatives throughout the ECOWAS region.140 The results are summarised in Table 7. TABLE 7 | Renewable and Hybrid Mini-Grid Projects and Initiatives, July 2014 Note: “–“ indicates that data are not available. Source: see endnote 135 for this chapter. STATUS OF RENEWABLE AND HYBRID MINI-GRID PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES (JULY 2014) Existing Planned Benin — The Agency for Rural Electrification and Energy Management (ABERME) is developing Terms of Reference for the country’s first hybrid PV-diesel mini-grid. Burkina Faso The Ministry of Energy’s Electrification Development Fund has financed 3 hybrid PV-diesel projects, each with an installed capacity of 15 kWp. The Ministry of Energy is undertaking 7 additional hybrid PV-diesel projects. The EU Energy Facility plans to implement PV mini-grids in communities throughout the country. Cabo Verde Two projects, Monte Trigo (PV-diesel) and Vale da Custa (PV- wind-diesel), have a combined capacity of 50 kW. The General Directorate of Energy is currently studying load demand in unelectrified communities to determine appropriate project size and investment costs. Côte d’Ivoire — The Ministry of Energy has shortlisted developers to install PV, biomass, and hybrid mini-grids under a Build-Own-Operate model. The Gambia A 350 kW wind park. — Ghana — The Ghana Energy Development and Access Project includes a tender for the installation of 4 PV-diesel pilot mini-grid projects. Guinea Two operational hydropower mini-grids. A government initiative to support wind-powered mini- grids is being planned. Guinea-Bissau — A hybrid PV-diesel mini-grid providing electricity to the village of Bambadinca is planned to come online in September 2014. Liberia The 60 kW micro-hydro mini-grid, which came online in 2013, is operated and managed by the village of Yandohun. There is growing interest in biomass-powered mini- grids. Mali The Malian Agency for the Development of Household Energy and Rural Electrification has developed a successful Public- Private-Partnership model in which private operators apply for Rural Electrification Authorizations and financial support from the Rural Electrification Fund. twenty-one hybrid PV-diesel projects (totalling 2.1 MW) exist in Mali. In 2015, AMADER will begin an initiative to convert 50 diesel mini-grids to hybrid PV-diesel systems. Niger — — Nigeria Several renewable mini-grids exist, including a 4 kW PV mini- grid system in the isolated community of Ofetebe, which now has approximately 4 hours of electricity per day. — Senegal The Senegalese Agency for Rural Electrification has installed 107 mini-grids, totalling 1 MW of installed PV capacity. — Sierra Leone A hybrid hydro-PV mini-grid supplies the community of River Number 2. — Togo — Companies have been shortlisted to promote renewable mini-grids in the country. MINI-GRIDS

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