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ECOWAS Status Report

| 76 measured at purchasing power parity (PPP) and are in 2005 USD. AEEP, op. cit. note 4. Table 9 from the following sources: Benin Direction Générale de l’Énergie System d’Information Energetique du Benin, 2010 (Porto-Novo: 2010); Cabo Verde from ECREEE, “The ECOWAS Alliance for High Performance Distribution of Electricity,” WAPP-ECREEE presentation to the ECOWAS Standards and LabelsTechnical Committee, 1 October 2013, http://; The Gambia from “Lawmakers approve US$ 31.9M energy grant,” Daily Observer, 16 January 2014, lawmakers-approve-us-319m-energy-grant; Ghana from Electricity Company of Ghana. Proposal for Review in Distribution Service Charge. (Accra: June 2013) proposal_for_2013_ECG.pdf. Guinea-Bissau from World Bank. “Project Appraisal Document: Emergency Water and Electricity Services Upgrading Project.” 15 May 2014. WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2014/05/21/000333037_2014052116591 9/Rendered/PDF/PAD9540PAD0P14010Box385211B00OUO090.pdf; and AEEP, op. cit. note 4 ECREEE, op. cit. note 2. AEEP, op. cit. note 4. ECREEE. op. cit. note 5. Ibid. Ghana Ministry of Energy, Energy Sector Strategy and Development Plan (Accra: February 2012), energy_strategy.pdf. Electricity Company of Ghana, Proposal for Review in Distribution Service Charge (Accra: June 2013), default/files/Tariff_proposal_for_2013_ECG.pdf. World Bank, Project Paper on a Proposed Second Additional Grant in the Amount of SDR9.4 million to the Republic of Togo for the Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Energy Project (Washington, DC: 7 May 2013), WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2013/05/16/000333037_20130516100 737/Rendered/PDF/668980PJPR0P12010Box377300B00OUO090.pdf. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF), “en.lighten Initiative,” http://www., viewed 28 April 2014. Ibid. United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Energy Efficiency Hub, Lighting-and-Appliances, viewed 10 September 2014. UNEP, Regional Report on Efficient Lighting in Sub-Saharan African Countries (Nairobi: 2012), documents/country-support/en.lighten_Sub-Saharan%20Report.pdf. Ibid. Essel Ben Hagan, “ECOWAS Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy”, May 2014, UNEP-ECREEE, documents/country-activities/Regional%20Efficient%20Lighting%20 Strategy_EN_final%20draft_ECREEE-190614.pdf; Essel Ben Hagan, UNEP-GEF en.lighten Initiative, “Development of ECOWAS Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy,” presentation to the Global Virtual Workshop on Market Transformation for Energy EfficiencyLighting, September 2013, acquia/wbi/Session%202_1%20-%20ECOWAS.pdf. See Figure 15 from UNEP-GEF, op. cit. note 13. Off-grid assessment not available for Cabo Verde, and on-grid assessment not available for Sierra Leone. Off-grid cost savings based on estimated avoided costs of kerosene, candles, and batteries. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), “Large scale residential energy efficiency program based on CFLs,” Web-Based Toolkit, December 2009, CFL_Toolkit_Web_Version_102110_REVISED_FINAL.pdf. UNEP, op. cit. note 16. Table 10 from UNEP-GEF, en.lighten initiative, “Global Policy Map,” UNEP-GEF, op. cit. note 13. GOPA International Energy Consultants, “Mali - Support Project to the Energy Sector (PASE): Consulting Services for Preparatory Studies for the Implementation of the ‘Energy Efficiency and Demand-Side Management,’ Component,” Project-to-the-Energy-Sec.1694.0.html, viewed 14 April 2014. UNEP-GEF, “en.lighten Initiative: “About us,” http://www.enlighten-, viewed 28 April 2014; Essel Ben Hagan, “ECOWAS Regional Eficient Lghting Srategy”, May 2014, UNEP-ECREEE. World Bank Group. “Lighting Africa,”, viewed 24 April 2014. Ibid. Ibid. World Bank, ACCES African Clean Cooking Energy Solutions Initiative (Washington, DC: November 2012), http://siteresources.worldbank. org/EXTAFRREGTOPENERGY/Resources/WorldBank_ACCES_AFREA_ AFTEG_ESMAP_FINAL.pdf. B.C. Dean, Impact Assessment: Energy Efficient Stove Project (Banjul, The Gambia: The Renewable Energy Association of the Gambia, February 2014). Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, “The Alliance,” http://www., viewed 3 May 2014. ECOWAS, “ECOWAS Initiative on Efficient, Affordable and Sustainable Cooking,” basic_page/ecowas_initiative_on_efficient_affordable_and_sustainable_ cooking.pdf, viewed 3 May 2014. ECREEE, “West African Clean Cooking Alliance (WACCA),” http://www., viewed 29 April 2014. World Bank, “ACCES: Scaling up Access to Clean Cooking Technologies and Fuels in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Washington, DC: 2012) PERACOD, “Renewable energy and energy efficiency,” http://www. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), “PoA 9666: Promoting Efficient Stove Dissemination and Use in West Africa,” T5UX6I3PDJQ4BV1Z8LYNO09W2HASGR/view B.C. Dean, Baseline Survey: Household Domestic Energy Use in the Gambia (Banjul, The Gambia: The Renewable Energy Association of the Gambia, March 2013). SE4ALL, Sustainable Energy for All Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis: The Gambia (Vienna: June 2012), 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

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