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ECOWAS Status Report

| 58 TABLE 15 | National Targets for Renewable Energy in ECOWAS Member States a Nigeria’s installed capacity targets are included in the Renewable Energy Master Plan which is currently in draft form. They are yet to be formally adopted. b Nigeria defines small hydro as installations below 10 MW. Source: see endnote 15 for this section. Benin No target Burkina Faso No target Cabo Verde 50% in the national grid by 2020 Côte d’Ivoire 5% by 2015; 15% by 2020; 20% by 2030 The Gambia 35% electricity by 2020 Ghana 10% of electricity by 2020 Guinea Solar: 6% by 2025 Wind: 2% by 2025 Guinea-Bissau 2% by 2015 Liberia 30% of electricity by 2021 Mali 10% by 2015; 25% by 2033 Niger 10% share in national energy balance by 2020 Nigeriaa Non-technology specific: 18% by 2020; 20% by 2030 Small-scale hydropower:b 600 MW by 2015; 2,000 MW by 2025 Solar PV: 75 MW by 2015; 500 MW by 2025 Solar thermal electricity: 1 MW by 2015; 5 MW by 2025 Biomass electricity: 600 MW by 2015; 2,000 MW by 2025 Wind: 20 MW by 2015; 40 MW by 2025 Senegal 20% by 2017 Sierra Leone 18% by 2015; 33% by 2020; 36% by 2030 Solar home systems: 1% penetration in the residential sector by 2015; 3% by 2020; 5% by 2030 Togo 15% by 2020

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