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ECOWAS Status Report

| 62 Energy efficiency forms another important piece of the energy development strategy in the ECOWAS region. The adoption of the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy (EEEP) in 2012 highlights the important need to develop energy efficiency support policies and mechanisms across the 15 Member States. The policy identifies five priority areas for targeting energy efficiency policies and programs: lighting, electricity distribution, cooking; standards and labelling, building codes, and financing. Several Member States have already taken a leading role in enacting policies and targets to promote energy savings. However, the generally slow adoption of energy efficiency policy mechanisms across the region remains a barrier to full implementation of energy efficiency programmes in ECOWAS. Overall, energy efficiency policies have been identified in four Member States, while national targets have been identified in a handful of Member States. Energy Efficiency Targets and Policies Targets for energy efficiency have been adopted at the regional level in the ECOWAS region, as well as at the national level in ECOWAS MemberStates.Globally,energyefficiencytargetsoftenincludeboth multi-sector, economy-wide efficiency aims, such as the reduction of energy intensity, as well as targets for sectoral improvements. Within the ECOWAS region, the EEEP has established region-wide targets for energy efficiency improvements across the identified target sectors.56 (See Table 18.) These targets aim to free 20 GW MW of power generation capacity and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent.57 Sector-specific regional strategies, such as the ECOWAS Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy (RELS) developed in collaboration with ECREEE and the UNEP-GEF en.lighten initiative are also being developed.58 At the country level, ECOWAS energy efficiency targets focus primarily on sectoral improvements, including reductions in electricity use, grid losses, fuel efficiency, fuel switching, and the use of specified energy-efficient technologies. FIGURE 16 | EREP Transportation Sector Biofuels Target Source: see endnote 52 for this section. The use of renewables in the transportation sector has received only limited support from policymakers in the ECOWAS region. Policies to promote biofuels often focus on mandating a specified share of renewable fuels in the total transportation mix—as established at the regional level in the EREP (see Figure 16) —or on specifying biofuel blend mandates which require that a certain share of biodiesel or ethanol be blended with transport fuel.52 Mali and Ghana have both established mandates for the use of biofuels in the transportation sector.53 Nigeria has established a 10% ethanol blend and 20% biodiesel target under its national biofuel policy, although the status of implementation is unclear.54 It is estimated that the national market will require 2 billion litres of ethanol and 900 million litres of biodiesel to meet these targets by 2020.55 2020 2030 (FIRST GENERATION): ETHANOL AS SHARE OF GASOLINE CONSUMPTION BIOFUELS TARGET TARGET 15% 5% ENERGY EFFICIENCY 20202030

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