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ECOWAS Status Report

RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY STATUS REPORT 2014 | 79 Ghana Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, op. cit. note 33. REN21, op. cit. note 17. Figure 16 from ECREEE, op. cit. note 2. REN21, op. cit. note 3. Federal Republic of Nigeria, “Official Gazette of the Nigerian Bio-fuel Policy and Incentives”, 2007; Jim Lane, “Biofuels Mandates Around the World: 2014,” Biofuels Digest, 31 December 2013, bdigest/2013/12/31/biofuels-mandates-around-the-world-2014/. Federal Republic of Nigeria, op. cit. note 36. Table 18 from ECREEE, op. cit. note 7. WAPP-ECREEE, “The ECOWAS Alliance for High Performance Distribution of Electricity,” 1 October 2013, sites/default/files/event-att/ecreee-distribution.pdf. Essel Ben Hagan, “Development of ECOWAS Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy,” presentation to the Global Virtual Workshop on Market Transformation for Energy Efficient Lighting, September 2013, http:// Session%202_1%20-%20ECOWAS.pdf. Ghana Ministry of Energy. National Energy Policy (Revised). (Accra: June, 2009) Ibid. Ghana Energy Commission, Ghana Sustainable Energy for All Action Plan (Accra: June 2012) ACTION%20PLAN.pdf; Hon. Inusah Fuseini, “Towards Efficient Lighting and Appliance Market: The Case of Ghana,” presentation to the 2011 Energy Efficiency Global Forum, Brussels, 12–14 April 2011, http:// and%20Appliance%20Market.pdf. CFL standards were set at 33 lumens/ watt and a minimum service life of 6,000 hours. Ghana Energy Commission, “Legislative Instruments,” http://energycom., viewed 22 April 2014. Etiosa Uyigue, “Nigerian Standard and Label Initiative: Progress So Far and Lessons Learnt,” Energy Commission of Nigeria, http://www.ecreee. org/sites/default/files/event-att/e.uyigue-nigerian_standards.pdf. World Bank, “Implementation Status & Results, Benin Increased Access to Modern Energy” (Washington, DC: 21 October 2013), http:// WDSP/AFR/2013/10/21/090224b081fbf2a7/1_0/Rendered/PDF/ Benin000Increa0Report000Sequence007.pdf; Burkina Faso from UNEP/ UNEP-GEF, en.lighten, “Global Policy Map,” http://www.enlighten-, viewed 24 March 2014; Côte d’Ivoire from Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Energy, Strategic Development Plan 2011–2030 (Abidjan: 2011), http:// anglais.pdf; Nigeria from Martha K. Onyeajuwa, “Ensuring Performance and Safety of Household Electrical Appliance,” paper presented in Seattle, WA, 13 October 2010, workshops/2010_nigeria.pdf; Senegal from Comite National Senegalais du Conseil Mondial de l’Energie (SENELEC), “Efficacite Energetique Plan d’action National” (Ethiopia: June 30), http://www.worldenergy. org/documents/ethiopia_june_30_vi_baidi_senegal.pdf; Essel Ben Hagan, “Development of ECOWAS Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy,” presentation to the Global Virtual Workshop on Market Transformation for Energy Efficient Lighting, September 2013, http://wbi.worldbank. org/wbi/Data/wbi/wbicms/files/drupal-acquia/wbi/Session%20 2_1%20-%20ECOWAS.pdf. International Organization for Standardization, “ISO/TC 285 Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions” (Geneva: 2013), http://www. committees/iso_technical_committee.htm?commid=4857971. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, “Standards & Testing,” http:// and-standards/. Hagan, op. cit. note 64. UNEP, OzoNews, 30 January 2014, Portals/105/documents/news/OzoNews/OzoNews-Vol%20XIV- 30January2014_SHORT.pdf. Pierre Baillargeon and Louis Dorval-Douville, ”Institutional & Framework Assessment for ECOWAS Appliance S&L Program,” Econoler, http:// assessment_econoler-1.pdf. Afua Hirsch, “Ghana leaves secondhand fridges out in the cold in bid to save energy,” The Guardian, 17 January 2013, http://www.theguardian. com/global-development/2013/jan/17/ghana-secondhand-fridges- save-energy Fuseini, op. cit. note 61. 05 | INVESTMENT Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance (FS-UNEP) and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2014 (Frankfurt: 2014). Ibid. FS-UNEP and BNEF, Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2013 (Frankfurt: 2013); FS-UNEP and BNEF, op. cit. note 1. Figure 17 from Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) Database. Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) Database Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) Database Figure 12 from AEEP, op. cit. note 4. Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) Database AEEP, op. cit. note 4. Figure 19 from Bloomberg New Energy Finance data, from Global Climatescope 2014, forthcoming.”. Fabio Borba. “Project Profile: Cabeolica Wind Farm.” Eleqtra. 2011. Viewed 2 July 2014. uploads/2013/03/ISER_4_2011.pdf Private Infrastructure Development Group. “Cabeolica Wind Farm.” Viewed 2 July 2014. cabeolica-wind-farms African Development Bank (AfDB), “Projects & Operations,” http://, viewed 3 May 2014; The African Development Bank uses a Unit of Account (UA) equivalent as its reporting currency. The UA is equivalent to the IMF’s Special Drawing Right (SDR). Conversion based on SDR to USD Exchange Rate on 1 May 2014 (I UA= 1.552920 USD). International Monetary Fund. “Currency units per SDR for May 2014.” Viewed 13 May 2014. http://www. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ENDNOTES

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