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ECOWAS Status Report

| 6 to realising the region’s potential and scaling up investment opportunities. Dear readers, it is my hope that this first edition of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report will pave the way for further discussions, not only at the regional level but also at a global level. The report showcases the ECOWAS region as one of the most active regions in Africa for the promotion of renewables and energy efficiency, and thus a region ripe for increased investment. The region’s collective efforts in this area will, in turn, lead to improvement in energy security, energy access and reduction of environmental externalities of the region’s energy system and allow the ECOWAS countries to leapfrog towards a sustainable energy future by 2030. As the Executive Director of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), I would like to thank the Government of Cape Verde, our strategic partners—the Governments of Austria (ADA), Spain (AECID) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the European Union (EU), Germany, USAID, GEF and other development partners—for their strong and continuous support. I would also like to thank the REN21 Secretariat for their collaboration and management of the process as well as to the team of reviewers who have contributed immensely to the successful development of this report. Mahama Kappiah Executive Director ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) UNDERSTANDING THE REGION’S EMERGING RENEWABLE ENERGY INDUSTRY, MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH IS CRITICAL TO REALISING THE REGION’S POTENTIAL AND SCALING UP INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES. ”

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