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ECOWAS Status Report - Regional Financing Sources

| 66 05 INVESTMENT GLOBAL OVERVIEW Globally, an estimated USD 214 billion was invested in renewable energy technologies in 2013, rising to USD 249.4 billion if large hydropower is included.xxiii,1 Despite this figure being below the peak investment recorded in 2011, the renewable energy sector remains an attractive market for public and private investors, and gross investment in renewables is closing the gap on fossil fuels. Overall, the Middle East and Africa attracted USD 9 billion in renewable energy investment in 2013 (down from USD 11 billion in 2012), accounting for 4.2% of the global total.2 After increasing by 228% from 2011 to 2012, the share of global renewable investments for the region remained relatively stable in 2013, declining by approximately 0.3%.3 RENEWABLE ENERGY PIPELINE Renewableenergyprojectsaregainingtheattentionofgovernment planners and project developers across the ECOWAS region. The Africa-EU Energy Partnership estimates that, including large-scale hydropower, a total of 11.6 GW of renewable energy projects is in the regional project pipeline.4 (See Figure 17.) (Excluding large hydro, the projected total is 1,171 MW.5 ) Four Member States have projected cumulative project development (including large hydro) exceeding 1 gigawatt: Nigeria (3.9 GW), Guinea (3 GW), Liberia (1.4 GW), and Ghana (1.1 GW).6 FIGURE 17 | Renewable Energy Projects in the Pipeline in the ECOWAS Region Note: No renewable energy projects in the pipeline for Cabo Verde and the Gambia. Source: Africa-EU Energy Partnership Status Report xxiii. For investment figures, large hydropower includes projects of more than 50 MW. 2972 InstalledCapacity(MW) 500 1000 1500 2000 0 6 2.6 30.3 20 63.5 26 57 191.2125 24 60 162.9 5 60147 490 837 170 247.5 91.548.7 120 530 30 60 22 36 5030 30 Small Hydro (< 30 MW) Wind Solar Hydro Biomass Benin Ghana GuineaLiberia Mali Niger NigeriaSenegal TogoGuinea -Bissau Burkina Faso Côte d’Ivoire Sierra Leone 1380 3519 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 2.630.32063.526 57191.212524 60162.95 60147490837170247.5 120530 30602236503030 13803519

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