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ECOWAS Status Report

| 30 COOKING Because household energy consumption, primarily for cooking, makes up such a large share of regional energy use, expanding access to sustainable solutions in the form of efficient cook stoves and modern fuels will have a large positive impact. As of 2014, energy consumption for cooking is dominated by traditional solid fuels. Across the ECOWAS region, an average 85.7% of each country’s population uses solid fuels for cooking, although national figures range from 98% in Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, and Sierra Leone, to just 31% in Cabo Verde.4 (See Table 4.) TABLE 3 | Share of Renewable Energy in Total Final Energy Consumption, 2010 Note: “–“ indicates that data are not available. Source: see endnote 1 for this chapter. MODERN BIOMASS HYDROPOWER SOLAR WIND OTHER TOTAL % Benin 8.7 — — — — 8.7 Burkina Faso 0.8 0.4 — — — 1.2 Cabo Verde — — — 0.5 — 0.5 Côte d’Ivoire 7.8 1.9 — — — 9.7 The Gambia — — — — — — Ghana 15.7 6.7 — — — 22.4 Guinea 0.5 1.1 — — — 1.6 Guinea-Bissau 30.3 — — — — 30.3 Liberia — — — — — — Mali 1.4 1.5 — — — 2.9 Niger 2.8 — 0.0 — — 2.8 Nigeria 8.8 0.4 — — — 9.2 Senegal 0.2 0.8 0.0 — — 1.0 Sierra Leone 18.9 0.1 — — — 19.0 Togo 9.2 2.6 — — — 11.8 Burkina Faso 0.80.4 — — — 1.2 Côte d’Ivoire 7.81.9 — — — 9.7 Ghana 15.76.7 — — — 22.4 Guinea 0.51.1 — — — 1.6 Mali 1.41.5 — — — 2.9 Nigeria 8.80.4 — — — 9.2 Senegal — — 1.0 Sierra Leone 18.90.1 — — — 19.0 Togo 9.22.6 — — — 11.8

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