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ECOWAS Status Report - Wind

RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY STATUS REPORT 2014 | 35 TABLE 6 | Installed Hydropower Capacity in ECOWAS Member States, 2014 a Manantali (200 MW) supplies both Mali and Senegal. b Nangbeto Kipme (64 MW) supplies both Togo and Benin. Source: see endnote 27 for this section. TOTAL HYDROPOWER CAPACITY SHARE ≥ 30 MW SHARE < 30 MW (MW) (%) (%) Benin 2 0 100 Burkina Faso 29 0 100 Côte d’Ivoire 604 96 4 Ghana 1580 100 0 Guinea 126.8 96 4 Liberia 4.6 0 100 Mali 300a 98 2 Nigeria 1977 98 2 Sierra Leone 56 89 11 Togo 65.6b 98 2 Installed Capacity Ten Member States have existing hydropower capacity as of mid- 2014.27 (See Table 6.) Nigeria has the region’s largest installed hydropower capacity at just under 2,000 MW.28 The country’s major large-scale plants include Kainji (760 MW), Jebba (578 MW), and Shiroro (600 MW).29 Together, these plants accounted for 16.2% of the country’s grid-connected installed capacity as of late 2012.30 In recent years, momentum behind small-scale hydropower has grown, and Nigeria now has several plants in operation including Kurra Falls (19 MW), Kwali Falls (6 MW), Lere I (4 MW), Lere II (4 MW), Oure (2 MW), Bangel I (2 MW), and Bengel II (2 MW).31 The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has played a significant role in developing small-scale hydropower in Nigeria, installing the Ezioma Mgbowo (0.03 MW) and Waya Dam (0.15 MW) projects and making Nigeria the seat of the UNIDO Regional Centre for Small Hydro Power in Africa.32 Ghana also has significant installed hydro capacity, totalling 1,580 MW in 2014.33 This comprises the Akosombo (1020 MW), Kpong (160 MW), and Bui (400 MW) plants, the last of which was brought on line in 2013.34 Together, these account for roughly 57% of the country’s total installed capacity.35 Côte d’Ivoire has 604 MW of installed hydro capacity, including the Ayamé I (20 MW), Ayamé II (30 MW), Kossou (174 MW),Taabo (210 MW), Buyo (165 MW), and Grah (5 MW) plants, all of which were built before 1984.36 In 2010, hydropower accounted for 28.2% of electricity generation in Côte d’Ivoire.37 The government intends to add an additional 19.5 MW of hydro capacity in the coming years.38 Several hydropower projects are identified in the Government’s Strategic Development Plan: a commercial contract for the 275 MW Soubre plant was signed with SINOHYDRO in 2009, and commission is expected in 2019; four hydropower plants on the Sassandra River (totalling 580 MW) are planned for 2016–2030; and the 150 MW Aboisso Comoé hydropower plant is also listed.39 Côte d’Ivoire has short-listed seven private companies to develop grid-connected small-hydropower plants under a buy- own-operate agreement.40 RENEWABLE ENERGY MARKET AND INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 02 Benin 20100 Burkina Faso 290100 Côte d’Ivoire 604964 Ghana 15801000 Guinea 126.8964 Liberia 4.60100 Mali 300a 982 Nigeria 1977982 Sierra Leone 568911 Togo 65.6b 982

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