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ECOWAS Status Report - Solar

| 36 In Mali, installed hydropower capacity stands at roughly 300 MW. Operating hydro installations include the Sélingué I and II (47.6 and 46.2 MW respectively) and Sotuba (5.7 MW) plants. The Manantali hydropower plant (200 MW), commissioned in 2002, supplies power to both Senegal and Mauritania.41 Mali, with support from international partners, has indicated an intention to scale-up development of small-scale hydropower projects in the near future; eight projects, ranging from 55 kilowatts (kW) to 10,000 kW for a total installed capacity of 21,600 kW, have been identified under the Climate Investment Funds’ Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Mali Investment Plan.42 Guinea’s installed hydropower capacity of 126.8 MW includes three small-scale hydropower installations: Kinkon (3.2 MW), Tinkisso (1.5 MW), and Loffa (120 kW), all in need of refurbishment.43 In 2010, hydropower accounted for 34.2% of grid-connected generation.44 The Promoting Development of Multi-purpose Mini Hydropower Systems (2012–2016) project, financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to address barriers and establish a total of 800 kW of generation capacity.45 Hydropower currently accounts for 28.8% of installed capacity in Togo, and accounted for 24% of generation in 2012, with the remainder coming from thermal plants.46 The Nangbeto Kipme plant, with an installed capacity of 64 MW and an annual production of 150 gigawatt-hours (GWh), was commissioned in 1987 and supplies both Togo and Benin.x,47 Togo’s Kipme plant, commissioned in 1963, has an installed capacity of 1.56 MW and an annual generation of 2.46–4.14 GWh; it functions from November to January and is in need of rehabilitation.48 The 147 MW WAPP Adjarala Hydropower Facility is scheduled for implementation in 2017; as of January 2014, the project was in the pre-investment stage.49 Sierra Leone has an installed hydropower capacity of 56 MW, accounting for 35.6% of total capacity in 2014.50 Bumbuna I (50 MW) came on line in 2010.51 Two smaller hydropower stations (6 MW and 250 kW) are also currently operating.52 Two plants (2.2 MW and 0.12 MW) are planned for construction in Charlotte and Makali.53 Burkina Faso has a total 29 MW of installed hydropower capacity, comprising Kompienga (12 MW), Bagré (14.4 MW), and two small hydropower plants: Tourni (0.6 MW) and Niofila (1.7 MW), both built in 1996.54 In the pipeline is a 2.5 MW plant to be built at Samendeni Dam and two additional mini hydropower plants.55 In 2012, hydropower accounted for 7.4% of Burkina Faso’s electricity generation.xi,56 In Liberia, one privately owned small hydropower plant (4 MW) is in operation, along with the grid-connected Yandohun project (60 kW), commissioned in 2013.57 This plant, originally 30 kW, was destroyed during the country’s civil war and was redesigned in 2009 to double the original capacity, with support from the World Bank’s Africa Renewable Energy Access Program.58 The 1 MW (rainy)/ 0.3 MW (dry) Mein River Hydropower Pilot Project in Bong County is expected to be commissioned in 2015.The project, which will serve 2,500 households and 250 commercial customers in addition to Cuttington University and Phebe Hospital, will be community owned and operated.59 Rehabilitation of the 80 MW Mt. Coffee Hydropower Plant is expected by end-2015.60 As of 2009, a total 2 MW of micro-hydro plant capacity (10–1,000 kW) had been completed in Benin.61 Although as of early 2014, Niger had no installed hydropower capacity, the 130 MW Kandadji Dam is under construction in Niger and is expected to come on line by 2017; the plant is expected to produce roughly 630 GWh per year.62 WIND Potential Potential for wind power generation is generally best along the coasts of ECOWAS Member States, particularly in Cabo Verde, which the African Development Bank (AfDB) highlighted as having the best wind potential in West Africa.63 Mean wind speed at 50m averages above 6 m/s in northern Mali and much of Niger. Potential is also favourable along the coasts of Senegal, the Gambia, Ghana, and Togo.64 Although few Member States have significant experience with wind power to date, interest is growing, with several major projects having come on line recently or in the pipeline. Installed Capacity As of mid-2014, three Member States have existing wind power capacity.65 (See Figure 11.) x. Average estimated for the period 1987–2009. xi. This figure does not include self-generation by private industrial companies (total capacity of 13.45 MW). POTENTIAL FOR WIND POWER GENERATION IS GENERALLY BEST ALONG THE COASTS OF ECOWAS MEMBER STATES, PARTICULARLY IN CABO VERDE, WHICH THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (AFDB) HIGHLIGHTED AS HAVING THE BEST WIND POTENTIAL IN WEST AFRICA. MEAN WIND SPEED AT 50M AVERAGES ABOVE 6 M/S IN NORTHERN MALI AND MUCH OF NIGER.

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